A Conversation for Gnu in a Zoo

Evocative and Sad

Post 1


Reading this made me very sad. it paints such a wonderful picture of these animals in the wild, contrasted with their lives in captivity. it reflects the sadness I have seen in elephants' eyes, and I wonder how many more animals will become exhibits instead of the wonderful wild creatures they are now.

Websailor smiley - dragon

Evocative and Sad

Post 2

Tibley Bobley

Thank you Websailorsmiley - smiley It seems a bit unkind of me to be pleased that it made you sad. But I said it as I felt it and it's very satisfying to know that I conveyed the sense of sad frustration as I meant to. The way domestication of every kind, curtails natural animals' natural instincts, makes me feel quite rebellious - like that gnu who lives in a zoosmiley - sadface

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