A Conversation for The h2g2 Tour - An Introduction to h2g2

Mostly Harmless

Post 1


Hey guys i am part of a large and active forum community that is currently playing a game called cybernations. Any way we have formed a rathert large alliance of hitch hikers and would love for you to come and join.

We a buch of really hoopy froods here and would love to share our cake with you smiley - cake.

I have just finished reading the first book and am moving on to the Restaurant at the end of the Universe. And if its anything like the first one i think it will fast become my favorite book.

But please come and join us as we would love to have you. And remeber the guy who told you how to get there smiley - winkeye

So take a left down the hyperspace bypass to get too www.mostlyharmlessalliance.org

A man who knows where his towel is
Mostly Harmless Hitchiker

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Mostly Harmless

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