Wired Coffee

2 Conversations

Wired Coffee, often shortened to Wired, is a coffee shop located in Sunset Hills, Missouri, which is near St. Louis.
They offer all of the normal coffee shop fare, along with "Wired Signature Inspirations"1 and some pretty good scones2 .

The Fare

As well as coffee,
tea, gelato, sorbetto, and baked goods, they also offer many drinks made from these ingredients like quakes (gelato shakes) and other food types like sandwiches and soups. One of the best known and liked Signature Inspirations is a tasty treat called The Wired Thing, a two-chocolate chip cookie with gelato in the middle, which is only available in summer. Another notable Creation is the Matcha Lemonade which is Japanese Green Tea (Machta)flavored lemonade. The food is generally good, though it of course varies depending on the dish and individual tastes. The quakes, specialty drinks, and the gelato are very high in quality.

The tea is also good they use bags for convenience, but they are a new and larger kind of teabag that allows for them to use larger leaves and gives the leaves a bit more room to move around the bag during steeping. They have their own coffee label which has received good reviews from customers and publications like Java Journal.

The prices are reasonable by local standards which are in turn pretty cheap compared to most of the UK and the big American cites like New York .

The premises

The decor is upbeat, zany, and fairly cozy. The seating arrangements include a bar, two large soft red sofas, and several blue armchairs(some of which have swivel trays attached to set food and drink upon)along with several customized tables with regular chairs. These are well arranged with the sofas sandwiched between the bar, a full wall window and a wall with a large example of some kind of art featuring the mask name Mo'Joe3 that is their logo. There is also a small nook which can be reserved or used without a reservation, it contains a TV a table two armchairs and a magazine rack. There is a main area with many tables and armchairs the later of which are arranged in a semi-circle around a fireplace. It’s also worth noting that the bathrooms are clean and well decorated.


As for entertainment while you eat there is the TV4, free wireless internet access (so you can read the Guide as you eat), a good selection of magazines and other periodicals (including Wired magazine), customers and staff to have conversations with and last, but not least, a variety of speaker series, bands, poetry readings and the like (check the website for upcoming events if your planning on going). The staff are very friendly and tend to know a lot about their regulars and about their products. Many of them are from the local high school though there are also some college students and usually at least one of the owners, Jan5 and Judy Jobe are there.

Wired is located at 3860 S. Lindbergh Blvd. It is rather oddly located on the side of a courtyard built into a strip mall. It can be a little hard to see from the street but is right next to the Progressive insurance building which is pretty easy to spot.
1Basically House Specials but their name sounds better.2The white chocolate and raspberry with green tea is great3The name is the abbreviation for Missouri plus a name for coffee and is also a pun on Mojo.4The default setting for the TV is news with the captions on and sound off but the staff will usually change the channel if whoever is using the nook asks.5Its spelled Jan but pronounced with a Y not a J.

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