A Conversation for On This Day in History - Suggestions for February
22 February
Jimi X Started conversation Sep 8, 2000
George Washington's Birthday - the father of his country. Defeated the English in the Revolutionary War (with a little help from France). He was born in 1732 and died in 1799 (reputedly from pnemonia running from the husband of a woman he was 'seeing')
Famously chopped down a cherry tree as a boy and took credit for it when confronted by his father. 'I cannot tell a lie, t'was I who chopped down the cherry tree,' he reportedly said. More of a legend than anything, but his birthday is celebrated with cherry pies to this day.
Started the French and Indian War (Known as the Seven Years War in Europe) by ambushing a French party in the woods near present-day Jumonville.
Had wooden false teeth.
Could crush walnuts with one hand.
Was a big guy.
First president of the USA, serving for two terms.
22 February
Jimi X Posted Sep 8, 2000
His portrait is featured on the one dollar bill and on the US 25-cent piece (quarter)
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22 February
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