The X-Philes - Forever Autumn Part Two
Created | Updated Oct 14, 2004

The Office of The Department of Internal Security
Nick opens his office door and spys his chief of staff going through some files.
Nick DeAbalo: 'Hey Michael how's everything going?'
His chief turns around and we see the face of Michael O'Bannion. This time he's dressed in a US Army Colonel's uniform. His name badge says Colonel M O'Halloran.
O'Bannion: 'Fine thanks, I'm glad to be out of those Priest's robes. So what did the boss have to say?'
Nick grins at him.
Nick DeAbalo: 'This is going to be soooo easy. He's believing everything I tell him. All we need to do is sweep out those that try to stop us and the world is ours at last.'
Nick hands O'Bannion the photo of the Well Manicured Man and Krycek.
Nick DeAbalo: 'know anything about these two?'
O'Bannion shakes his head.
O'Bannion: 'Why?'What do they know/'
DeAbalo shrugs.
Nick DeAbalo: 'I don't know Michael' He points to Krycek. 'This guy has links with those FBI agents who got in the way of my ceremony and the other guy is his boss. They've been building something - they've had funds from the black budget. I need you to find out what.'
O'Bannion nods.
Nick DeAbalo: 'He's got agents in here too. Clinton used to listen to them, I've been listening to them. They've got some crazy idea that aliens are going to invade...'
O'Bannion starts to laugh.
O'Bannion: 'Aliens!! They're crazier than Bush. They're not going to be a problem are they?' He notices that DeAbalo is not laughing. 'You don't really believe in aliens do you?'
DeAbalo paces the room, thinking.
Nick DeAbalo: 'Don't forget I've been around since the beginning so I know what's been going on.' He sighs 'They turned up millions of years ago and just kind of set up home. Then they just left for no reason. I thought they'd be good allies, but no. They kinda had a deal with... you know.' Nick points up '... Him. I don't know what it is but if they are in league with him we could be in trouble.'
O'Bannion looks at Nick pacing and realises it's the first time his boss has been worried.
O'Bannion: 'Are they a danger to your plans?'
DeAbalo sighs.
Nick DeAbalo: 'They could be.' He breaks into a grin. 'But that paranoid FBI Mulder guy could be just what we need...' He points to Krycek's picture '... and this guy too. He changes sides more often than most guys change their socks. If we can get them working together with us to get rid of the aliens we're laughing. I don't want you involved in this, Michael, they can still recognise you. The surgery isn't quiet complete yet and that Doggett guy wants your head on a pole. I'll deal with this.'
The X Files Office, October 16th, 9.30am
Mulder, Scully and Doggett, for once, have nothing to do. Doggett is doing the crossword in the paper, Scully is reading the latest medical journal and Mulder is sitting in his chair shooting his basketball into the hoop on the door. The phone starts to ring they all look at each other.
Doggett: - without looking up - 'You're nearest Scully.'
She looks at Mulder. He grins.
Mulder: 'You heard the man.'
She sighs and rolls her eyes.
Scully: - in her best air-head secretary voice - 'Y'want me to get coffee too?'
Doggett: - grinning at her - 'Black, two sugars.'
She throws the journal at him and picks up the phone.
Scully: 'Scully' She subconciously straightens up "... oh yes Sir... right away Sir... as soon as possible Sir... yes Sir... goodbye Sir.'
Doggett and Mulder look at each other and shrug.
Mulder: 'What's with the yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir?'
Scully: 'You're not going to believe this but that was the Director. He wants to see us... now.' She runs her fingers through her hair.
Doggett straightens his tie and Mulder picks fluff off his jacket. They head out of the door. On the way they meet Skinner.
Doggett: 'What's going on, Sir?'
Skinner: 'Have no idea, John. I just got a call to go and see the Director.'
Mulder: - mutters - 'This is not good, this not good at all.'
They get to the door and Skinner knocks.
'Come in.' says a soft, well-spoken voice.
Mulder has a confused look on his face as he tries to work out where he's heard the voice before.
The Office of the Director of the FBI
A grey haired man is sitting at his desk. His eyes flit to the door as there is a knock at it. He sighs. He really doesn't want to see these people, especially Mulder. He didn't want to reveal his identity this soon but things were moving quicker than he'd anticipated.
'Come in.' he says.
The door opens and the others enter. Mulder looks at the Director and takes a step back.
Mulder: 'You!!!!!' He gasps.
'Yes me, Mr Mulder.' The Director smiles at him.
Skinner looks at the Director and then at Mulder.
Skinner: 'Anyone care to tell me what's going on?'
Mulder recovers himself a little.
Mulder: 'Yes, this is my contact, that Well Spoken Man I told you about. The one who's been tipping me off about the Syndicate - this is him.'
Doggett: 'The one who warned you we were players in a rigged game during the Devil Worshipper's Case?'
Mulder nods.
Mulder: 'Is the game still rigged... Sir?'
The Director indicates for them to sit down.
Well Spoken Man: 'I've asked you here because things are moving quicker than I'd realised and other forces are beginning to make an impact now.'
Mulder looks puzzled.
Mulder: 'Are these the outside forces you warned me about a couple of months ago?'
The Director nods.
Mulder: 'Why did you risk your position to help me? You've got too much to lose.'
Well Spoken Man: 'I've taken a great interest in your work, Agent Mulder, in the X Files. I knew that your relentless digging and resolve to find 'The Truth' would bare fruit eventually.' He sighs 'I couldn't be directly involved - it would raise too many questions. I am 'playing both sides of the fence' if you like. It has taken years to get all the pieces in place for the coming darkness; partnering you with Agent Scully. The tests on you, my dear, I tried to get to you before they did, but... even I could do nothing for you. I tried to 'soften the blow' if you like. The tests could have been a lot worse. I know it's of little comfort now but...' His voice trails off.
Skinner: 'What's the point of all this, Sir?'
Well Spoken Man: 'All in good time, Assistant Director, all in good time. Agent Doggett I'm afraid your investigation into the 'Black Oil' back in the spring ultimately led you to the X Files.'
Doggett looks surprised.
Doggett: 'But that came out of the blue, surely. You can't be telling me that Catherine set me up - are you?'
Well Spoken Man: 'No, she is not involved in this, but your relentless digging and curiosity got the better of you and you would have eventually found out exactly what was going on. That's why I had you sent to the X Files - let
you find out for yourself later rather than sooner...'
Mulder: - interrupts - 'That's what you meant when you said the only way to stop me losing the X Files was to stop Doggett learning the truth. If he'd found out about the purpose of the Black Oil he'd have gone to the wrong people with it and we'd all be 'sleeping with the fishes' right?'
The Director nods.
Well Spoken Man: 'Kersh was being leant on by the outside forces. He wanted to send you to a regional office in the back of beyond but I over-ruled him and had you sent to the X Files where I had Mulder keep an eye on you.'
Scully, who has been quiet up till now, suddenly speaks up.
Scully: 'Who are these outside forces? The Syndicate?'
The Director shakes his head.
Well Spoken Man: 'No, my dear, this is something new, something darker. A new evil is coming and they could be in league with the colonists.'
This gets Mulder and Scully's attention.
Mulder: 'Colonists? They're coming aren't they? They'll be here soon?'
The Director nods.
Well Spoken Man: 'Yes, my contacts tell me that they'll be colonizing within the next month.'
The three agents all start talking at once.
Mulder: 'They can't be. I thought we had years left'
Scully: 'Oh my God, we're going to Hell, aren't we!'
Doggett: 'You're kidding me! The Martian's are coming.'
The Director holds up his hand for silence.
Well Spoken Man: 'Yes, I'm afraid it's true. We haven't much time, but there is a way we can fight back. The New Syndicate have been working on a new device which will give us a fighting chance. They accquired this technology from the Russians.'
Mulder: - interrupts - 'That Chronospheric displacement thingy we found out about in Lake Arial?'
The director nods again.
Well Spoken Man: 'Yes. They have developed it into several new devices. I have no idea how it works...' There's a knock on the door '... but I believe my visitor can explain it better than me. Come in.'
Alex Krycek comes through the door. Mulder attempts to get to his feet but Scully has her hand on his shoulder.
Scully: 'Don't give him the satisfaction...' She looks at Skinner and Doggett who are also rising from their chairs '... any of you.'
Mulder: - splutters - 'Do you know what kind of evil you're dealing with?'
Skinner: - growls - 'You've got some nerve showing your face in here.'
Krycek eyes Doggett and Scully.
Krycek: - sneeringly - 'What, no welcoming words from you two?'
Scully: 'I wouldn't waste my breath.'
Krycek: 'Agent Doggett?'
Doggett: 'Got better things to do with my time than talk to scum like you.'
Well Spoken Man: 'Well now that we are all aquainted shall we get on with it?'
Mulder utters a few obsenities and Krycek stands behind the director with his hands in his pockets.
Skinner: - spits - 'So, Alex, what have you got for us this time?'
Krycek shifts positions.
Krycek: 'I take it the Director has told you about the colonization starting soon?'
The others nod.
Krycek: 'Well the New Syndicate have managed to accquire technology to win the war for us.'
Mulder: - snaps - 'We know this already. Get on with it.'
Krycek reaches into his pocket and pulls out the Alternative Reality device.
Krycek: 'This is the prototype. Larger versions are being made as we speak. These devices will enable us to send the colonists to alternative realities.'
Doggett starts to laugh.
Doggett: 'You've been watching too much Star Trek!' He turns to the others. 'You don't seriously believe him, do you? A month ago you were telling me that he's a no good, lying, murdering, pain in the ass and now you're listening to him feeding you fairy tales.' He turns back to face Krycek. 'Which reminds me - what did exactly happen to Karen Palmer, Domenica Covarrubias or whatever her damn name was?'
Krycek looks uncomfortable.
Krycek: 'She's in a place where no one can hurt her. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. This device is the answer to our prayers.'
The other's don't look convinced.
Scully: 'How do we know this isn't another one of your traps; another attempt to fool us into doing the Cancer Man's dirty work?'
Krycek: 'Because I don't work for him anymore. He's... outlived his usefulness to me.'
Skinner: 'Did you kill him?'
Krycek: 'No.' He smirks 'I've got something else planned for him.'
Doggett: 'So who do you work for?'
Scully: 'That well spoken, well manicured man we saw you with in Russia?'
Krycek nods.
Krycek: 'Yes, he's the one who set this meeting up, got your boss here involved. The one who fitted the pieces together and the one who'll save our asses.'
Skinner: - snaps - 'Stop talking in riddles, Alex, and tell us why you're here.'
Krycek smiles. He's enjoying being the centre of attention.
Krycek: 'I've told you, I'm here to help you fight the aliens with this.' He points at the device.
Mulder: 'So... how does it work, if it works.'
Doggett: 'I don't believe you're listening to this. You know this man's a born liar and, after what happened last time, you're not seriously going to listen to him?' He can't believe what he's hearing.
Mulder: 'I've seen something like this before. It can be done and if we can get rid of the aliens...' His voice trails off as Doggett gives him a venomous look. 'Look, it's taken up most of my life. I'd like to know what Ratboy here knows.'
Krycek: 'I can do better than that - I can show you.' He walks towards the door and beckons Mulder, Scully and Doggett to follow.