A Conversation for Talking Point: Dream Dinner Parties
dinner party
kif Started conversation Nov 4, 2004
My ideal guest list
La Gioconda. I would ask her what the hell she is smiling about.
Einstein. I would ask him what his theory is all about.
Marilyn I would ask her why the hell she married Miller(I was free at that time)
James Joyce. I would ask him what Ulysses is all about
Miss Evans. My old teacher. I would ask her why she was so b****y nasty to me when I was only nine.
Elizabeth the first. I would ask her if she really was a virgin.
Jesus. I would ask him what he thinks of Christianity now.
My wife. I would ask her to prepare the food and wash up
no music the chat would drown it out.
dinner party
Blackberry Cat , if one wishes to remain an individual in the midst of the teeming multitudes, one must make oneself grotesque Posted Nov 5, 2004
Da Vinci. At least he would have something to say.
Einstein. Can't disagree with that one.
Arthur Miller. Defnitely a better dinner party guest than Munroe.
Joyce. Can't disagree with the choice or question.
Miss Costa. My old teacher. For kickstarting a lifelong love of history.
Shakespeare. Who actually wrote the plays?
Karl Marx. Has he had a rethink?
Catrin( of my life, why did she pick that twat Alan instead of me
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