Sir Lancelot's Dream a Poem

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Sir Lacelot's Dream

Out in the night darkness and gloom. Inward the silence like that of a tomb. Out in the gloom what did appear but a creature of darkness that knows no fear.
Like a shot in the dark, a scream in the night. A fearful young lady half dead from fright. You rise to the occassion, cause you were'nt playin. Like a Knight from past, you rush to arms to save the young lass.
You reach out in the night whilst you were in flight, but all you can find is your trusty old knife. Of course it was a Buck but that was no luck because it was'nt sharp.
So you had more balls than you did brains, and you ran thru the night in hopes to maim the unearthly creature which had dropped in from last nights late feature.
A ring on the phone which brought to end your escapades with your creature friend. A young lady to ask, where the hell have you been it would seem that you left her in quite a jam. When you failed to pick her up from work. You hung up the phone as she called you a jerk.

Written by : Donald Gene FitzGerald. That's Me :)

Written : 1984

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