A Conversation for The Beer Tent

Prez Election Night Party

Post 181

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Yes. *points at Croz*

Prez Election Night Party

Post 182

I'm not really here

I wish you'd keep your hand still, I can't see who you're pointing at.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 183

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Somebody over there. I'm not sure who, I'm having trouble focussing.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 184

I'm not really here

Try these glasses.

smiley - empty-smiley - empty

~falls out of chair laughing~

When you're drunk everything is sooooo funny!

Prez Election Night Party

Post 185

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

What glasses? Where have you gone? What are you laughing at?

Prez Election Night Party

Post 186

I'm not really here

~climbs out from under table~

These glasses.

sorry, these smiley - empty-smiley - empty glasses. Oh , they appear to be full of Champagne now. Want one?
Someone hid some bottles under there. I found them.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 187

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, how convenient. Yes please. smiley - smiley

Prez Election Night Party

Post 188

I'm not really here

~hands EV a glass~

Is that the one I drank, or is it full?
~disappears under the table to fetch a couple of bottles~

Prez Election Night Party

Post 189

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*drinks contents of glass*
No, this is an empty one.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 190

I'm not really here

~refills EV's glass~
Did I tell you, hold on a moment, I need to concentrate.

~carefully fills her glass~

Right, did I tell you I have been moved into a stateroom in Foxy Manor? You're drinking with a very important woman.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 191

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

No, you didn't tell me that.
*drains glass*
Why don't you tell me now, while you're filling up my glass.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 192

Demon Drawer

I was about to complain about Pastey not e-mailing me but then rememebred he was the only person here to use one of my addy's. smiley - smiley

Prez Election Night Party

Post 193

Demon Drawer

But none of the three e-mails are from him smiley - smiley

Prez Election Night Party

Post 194

I'm not really here

You have an addy for each person you give it to?
Very posh.

~refills all the glasses on the table~

I got moved into the stateroom at Foxy Manor. I must be very important. Or maybe I earned it. I can't remember.

Prez Election Night Party

Post 195

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

A Party!
And I've been greeting newcomers all day!
Where's the PGGB?
And what are we celebrating???

Prez Election Night Party

Post 196

Demon Drawer

Well we're celebrating the end of voting, which turned into my Birthday and now we're drinking to life. smiley - winkeye

Prez Election Night Party

Post 197

I'm not really here

And drinking to drunken-ness.

Have some Champagne GB!
~fills EV's glass again~

Prez Election Night Party

Post 198

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

And we're also celebrating Mina suddenly becoming very important.
Er, not that she wasn't important before, of course.
*grabs a glass and drinks*

Prez Election Night Party

Post 199

I'm not really here

~gives EV the bottle~
I can't keep up honey, I'm not getting enough of my own drinking done~

~opens another bottle~

Prez Election Night Party

Post 200

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

So why have you been... moved into this new... important... room... type thing?

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