A Conversation for The Sudsy Existentialist

Peer Review: A3087218 - The Sudsy Existentialist

Post 1


Entry: The Sudsy Existentialist - A3087218
Author: Lee - U168807

This was an English paper. I was dismayed at the lack of information available about this poem, so I've decided to share my findings. Effective?

A3087218 - The Sudsy Existentialist

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

Hi Lee,
Being the uneducated soul that I am smiley - winkeye, I am not familiar with the poem.

However what I can tell you is about the Edited Guide. For an entry to be accepted it must meet certain guidelines which you can read here <./>writing-guidelines</.>

As it stands your entry doesn't meet them because it is more of a personal review rather than an account of the poems history.

On the other hand , your entry still makes up part of the unedited guide on h2g2 and anyone can find it by using the <./>search</.> facility.

If you prefer to keep the entry as it is then you can remove it from this forum by going to the peer review listing and clicking on the 'X' or 'remove' next to your entry listing.

However, if you wish to work on it then have a read of the <./>writing-guidelines</.> and resubmit it for review smiley - ok

A3087218 - The Sudsy Existentialist

Post 3

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

The author is still around, but has unsubscribed from this thread. I'll go post a note over on Lee's personal space.

smiley - cheers

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