A Conversation for Platypus Dancing

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 1

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Close to the bottom of the barrel, even for me.

Hey, Shazz, feel free to tell me when you think the current submissions are below par.

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 2


~Greebo's tail can be seen waving from the almost empty barrel and a subdued humming can only just be heard by those with extra sensitive hearing~


Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 3

Post Team

I thought this one quite funny actually. smiley - ok

Those I don't are assigned to the 'only in desperation' folder. smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 4

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Oh. Okay. smiley - blush

"a subdued humming can only just be heard by those with extra sensitive hearing~"

Um. Yes. And if Phil Collins could hear what you're doing to "I Can't Dance", he'd perform a dance on a catskin rug...smiley - run

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 5


You can run... but with my extra senstive nose... you can't hide!!!!


Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 6

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Hah! What about me nose! smiley - yikes

On second thought, I don't want to end up as a scratching post...

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 7


~Greebo eats the proffered doughnuts...~

Your nose???

~Greebo jumps into the air does an amazingly difficult backward, forward, upward, downward somersault in mid air and lands with the weight of a rather large bag of wet cements on tonsil's shoulder... she peers closely at his nose...~

Seems fine to me... why what's the matter with it???


Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 8

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

(speaking with squashed voice) It doesn't seem a bit long and pointy to you?

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 9


Nope... soeems a jolly nice place for storing boogers to me... abd boy have you got quite a collection... ~evil grin~


Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 10

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Contemplates joys of sneezing...
and what a green smiley - cat would look like...

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 11


Hmmm... rather like an orange and black one but slightly madder me suspects... ~grin~


Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 12

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

What was the name of the black and white kitten in the movie?
Ah, Figaro?

Wow, I'd forgotten this one.

Post 13


Oh me looks very much like him but far cuter of course... ~grin~


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