A Conversation for Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Peer Review: A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 1


Entry: Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap - A30481355
Author: Jordan - Open the Guide Up - U201497

EGWW thread here F9001553?thread=4920513
Askh2g2 thread here F19585?thread=4920163

I'd still really like to expand the international section, but I still have no grasp of non-American coin currency, so I'm helping my Peers can help me with that.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 2


Good one, Jordan.

Typos & things:

Just above Header 'Decisive Coins', you have >>Since 1920, there has been there has been a harp<<, a doublewas.

That's it from here.

UK yes, 2p, 10p. The 50p tends to be a bit big.

Interestingly, the 50p coin is seven-sided, not round. (it's a "equilateral curve heptagon" - anywhere you measure it, it has the same 'diameter')

A game of conkers has been suggested for resolving international disputes - takes a bit longer than coin-tossing & could be worked up into good TV?</>

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 3


Thanks Rod, I've updated the entry accordingly smiley - ok

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 4


You're welcome.

I've just received my inheritance, and, checking it, I find that the 20p coin's a bit small - I'd say 2p, 10p or, at a stretch a £2 coin (but I didn't get one of those).

[the 20p and 50p both have 'that' shape - too late now, but perhaps that could have been a QI Q].

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 5


smiley - lurk

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 6

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Wasn't there a tail on the old uk 10 pence? Not living there at the mo, and so I don't remember current smaller 10p status, but I vaguely remember the older, bigger version had a lion on the other side from the queen, so in the innocents of youth, I always assumed that was why we say heads or tails.

You could mention perhaps roshambo as an alternative?

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 7

Jimi X


And I was very pleased to see your election resolution comments as well.

As a terrible parent, I sometimes use coin flipping to resolve disputes between my daughters - who can watch their show first, who gets to pick which piece of cake first, etc...

You didn't add anything about the famous sports saying 'Call it in the air'?

Also, you could mention that the Pittsburgh Steelers caused a change in the NFL practice of coin flipping where the person calling the coin side must now tell the referee his choice before the coin is flipped.

This is because of an overtime game in Detroit (I believe) in which the Steelers called the coin toss correctly, but the referee misheard the call and improperly awarded the ball to the other team which resulted in the Steelers losing the game. smiley - grr

Full account here: http://www.referee.com/sampleArticles/2001/SampleArticle0101/headsortails/headstailstext.html
God bless the internet!

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 8


Hey VP smiley - smiley
I dunno about the 10 pence piece, having never handled UK money much. Can someone verify that? That would be useful information.

Hey Jimi. smiley - smiley
Is 'call it in the air' a sports saying? I kind of assuming it was a general coin flip saying.
Can I use your line "As a terrible parent, I sometimes use coin flipping to resolve disputes between my daughters - who can watch their show first, who gets to pick which piece of cake first, etc" as a blockquote?
I'll of course give you a co-credit.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 9


I've added a very little bit about Roshambo and 'call it in the air'. They're just kind of slipped in there, because I couldn't think of where else to put that information

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 10

Jimi X

Dude, I don't need any more evidence of my lack of parenting skills...

You can use it if you want, but I don't need the 'credit'. Don't want to give my kids any ammo with the psychologist. smiley - laugh

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 11


smiley - laugh I seriously doubt you're anything but a great parent, Jimi. And what with all those pointless childish squabbles which I can remember well, a coin flip seems as good a method of resolution as any. Why not?

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 12


smiley - whistle

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 13


Indeed. Anything else? I was hoping this would be more collaborative than it ended up being, but I also think it turned out alright.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 14

Malabarista - now with added pony

Irish Euro coins still have harps on them, and the smaller denomination Greek ones still have ships smiley - smiley Here's the full chart...


But of course the coins are mixing, you can't be guaranteed a "local" one in your wallet.

For flipping, the 1, 2, and 5c pieces are much too light. 10 is still a bit too small, 20... I'd prefer a 50c piece for flipping, not as risky as the possibility of losing 1€ or 2€ smiley - winkeye

And in German it's "Kopf oder Zahl" - head or number

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 15


I'm guessing a small copy-paste error with that link? smiley - smiley

I'll update the entry accordingly smiley - ok

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 16

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, sorry smiley - blush copied out of the wrong tab smiley - laugh

Here's the proper one. http://dph1701.tripod.com/50quarters/accents/eurochart.jpg

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 17


Speaking of luck deciding elections...

*checks to make sure he got link right*


A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 18

vogonpoet (AViators at A13264670)

Well I actually found a new 10 pence piece in my bag of 'foreign' currency, does indeed have a tail. Its quite a prominent one too.
Google images "ten pence coin".

And it seems 'new' is not the best adjective for the smaller version, as it was first released way back in 1992. 'Old' still works for the previous one though smiley - erm.

I would stick with the 2p and 10p coins for flipping in the UK... at a push, for the strong of thumb the 2 pound coin works too, but the one pound coin is a bad option - its really fat, and must have the lowest surface area : mass ratio of all the british coins - damn thing is practically spherical, so it doesn't flip very well.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 19


smiley - ok

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 20

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hello Jordan, are you happy with this or are you still tweaking.smiley - huh

If you're still tweaking I'd mention that Ireland have had the Euro for some years and that's probably why the 'heads or harps' have died out, also in the UK the one pound coin is a bit chunky for tossing.smiley - 2cents

smiley - mouse

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