A Conversation for Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 1


Entry: Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap - A30481355
Author: Jordan - Open the Guide Up - U201497

I didn't really do any research on this.
Any ideas?

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 2

Fizzymouse- no place like home

I love the title smiley - applause

The only other thing I'd add is that the loser of a coin flip (outside of sporting events) usually calls for the best of 3 or 5 in an attempt ot change the outcome.smiley - 2cents

Nicely done.smiley - cheers

smiley - mouse

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

1. In Ireland until fairly recently, the call was "Heads or Harps". Irish coins up to about 1800 had a head on one side and a harp on the other. From 1800 to 1920, there was a head but no harp. Since 1920, there has been there has been a harp but no head. But due to the globalisation of World Culture, the old "heads or harps" call is dying out.

2. In technical language, the two sides of a coin are the obverse and the reverse, although some research may be needed to find out which is which.

3. The method you have outlined for tossing a coin leaves room for cheating. The one tossing the coin can glance at the coin as it lands on his palm. If it is a favourable outcome, he can just open his palm to reveal that he has won the toss. If unfavourable, he can choose to slap it on the back of his other hand, flipping the coin over in doing so, and once again he wins the toss.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

I think it is still 'head or digit' here, although the € coins only very rarely feature a head nowadays.
You could link Ritchie Valens to this entry: A16303727

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 5


I agree, the title is great!

"Some sports decide starting positions based on a coin flip."

I don't know if you want or need to mention this, but I know at Wimbledon (and I assume other tennis matches) there is a coin toss at the beginnning. The winner gets to choose whether to serve or receive first.

In the bit about God/gods, you have "bed" at the end instead of "be".

What you said about British coins isn't wrong, but I see no problem with using 20p or 50p coins either.

Excellent entry, J, well done! smiley - smiley

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 6

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

1. Coin flips are often used in discussions of probability in maths.

2. There's a brilliant Father Ted scene where Ted flips a coin and Dougal keeps changing his mind on whether he's calling heads or tails.

TRiG.smiley - 2cents

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 7


Thanks everyone smiley - smiley I've updated the entry a bit with your comments and a few comments from F19585?thread=4920163

I've added headers, and basically created an 'International' section, which I think is a bit weak and very much a 'work in progress'. I'm afraid I have to rely on others for that sort of information. If someone writes up a section or phrase I can use there (or elsewhere) about their particular country or denomination of currency I'll be more than happy to co-credit them before I send this to PR.

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 8

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - erm you only mention a few countries maybe you could consider more? maybe there's other games with coins involved

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Did you read Jodan's lat post, Opti?

>>If someone writes up a section or phrase I can use there (or elsewhere) about their particular country or denomination of currency I'll be more than happy to co-credit them <<

A30481355 - Coin Flipping - Conflict Resolution on the Cheap

Post 10


Yes, it's incomplete Opti. I'd love to add as many countries as I can, but that's dependent on my getting information on those countries from people who actually know what they're talking about. Same thing about games.

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