A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 261


Lurkers? Where? smiley - winkeye

smiley - applause Greensleeves.

First of my few posts was in the 62Xth "After having talked about it for a few years" - F38024?thread=344183&skip=343
(A few posts later Lili wrongly thought that "Ottox was a salonista so long ago that he is, I reckon, displaying good manners by re-introducing himself" smiley - biggrin)

My reason for posting is as good today as it was then: "Spending less time on hootoo than before and seeing most of the site gettting more and more trivial, I simply have to be subscribed to one of the few places that still matters. I will NOT promise to contribute much, but I'll do my best to behave well."

I think Marv means Llama when he talks about the original code? (<./>versions</.&gtsmiley - winkeye

Now , back to the food... *munches*

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 262


Lili??? smiley - grr

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 263

Mrs Zen

Ottox you are right. Lil's is pure essence of hootoo, and perfect for those who don't have the time or the patience for the rest.

I use FB a lot, Eats, but in a different way from h2g2. FB's in my real name, for a start, and my FB friends are primarily people I've met in real life, so colleagues and personal friends past and present. Essentially, it's the people who 10 years ago would have been on my Christmas Card list. Some of these are cross-overs from h2g2 and it's particularly precious to me because I can keep up with people who've left like fellow members of the Small But Vocal Minority. As many of you know, I'm also friends with many fellow salonistas, who are in some ways closer than family these days.

I have separated my friends into lists, so close friends see more of my interactions and acquaintances and former colleagues see a lot less. My friends lists are overdue a prune, actually. I also choose not to be automatically updated by people whose updates annoy me for some reason.

I never EVER respond to the games or gifts on there and ALWAYS click "hide" on new games and gifts. I am not in any networks. I belong to only six groups (TAM, the Atheist Bus campaign, Remedy UK, and three related to h2g2, and I can cut that back by using Twitter better). I no longer use applications, but I did sign up to some in my early days: another FB feature in my account that's overdue for a prune, methinks.

The net result of all this locking down is that all I see are real updates from people I like, and that when I ran the privacy utility at http://www.reclaimprivacy.org/ on FB the other day it came up green on all measures.

I like spending time on it because it is a good way to keep loose contact with people on my Christmas card list, especially those who've moved to Australia or who are otherwise hard to keep up with, and the benefits of that are greater than the time overhead of managing my account.


Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 264

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Llama is indeed correct. I was posting with the memories of yesteryear in my head. I miss the original fish. I miss the threaded conversations. In some ways I miss the fact that we needed to create new conversations when they would get to a certain length.

Now, I have been heavily drinking for the last few hours, so I don't know that what I say makes sense.

Ben, I didn't know I was the reason you posted in the Salon. If so, then I am glad I am partially to blame.

This site is unique. I've been asked to perform a marriage between two H2G2ers. Njan and Nyssabird. I became an ordained minister, drove hundreds of miles, and performed a wedding for two people I had only known online. Since the precedence has been set, two people I met RL have now asked me to do the same for them. I fully intend to do so as long as the laws of their place of residence allow.

Party! Tneth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 265

Spaceechik, Typomancer

I can't find my first visit to the Atelier sometime in 2002...but I found where I came back and joined the Atelier, in 7Ax.

I'm guessing that my first time in the Atelier was where I likely plopped myself on the couch during an RPG, then fled when no one noticed me. I should have stuck around or tried again, but I didn't. What did I do? I unsubscribed! smiley - blush BIG mistake, as I think of all the good folks here as some of my best VL friends.

The Atelier is a special place, Lil. There's no flamewars and grudges, and trolls don't last too long here. People respect each other, even when they disagree -- truly rare on the 'net. I'm very glad of this place, each time I sign on. Thanks, Lil! smiley - bubbly

Party! Tneth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 266

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

I was neither a lurker, nor was I invited. The only salonista I sort of knew was Amy P and I found the link to this page while looking at her conversations at two in the morning. I read the intro page and the backlog of the conversation which I later joined. It took me a while to feel at home here, but now I do feel like part of the 'family' even if I did gatecrash slightly.

I keep coming back because I feel free to share here, there is almost always somebody here to listen to my moaning. and even if there isn't I can leave my moanings here and find comforting words and advice sooner or later.

minismiley - mouse

Party! Tneth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 267


I was invited by Amy The Ant, (where is she now?) and just sort of stayed..

Party! Tneth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 268

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Amy was the best -- intelligent, creative, great sense of role play. And she had that mysterious neurological disorder which she overcame and went on to run marathons. I've always worried whether we did something to smiley - bleep her off...

Which also happens from time to time, especially if we're thought to have been rude by ignoring someone. Which is a shame.

Party! Tneth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 269

Titania (gone for lunch)

I think part of the problem of people feeling ignored is that some seem to think of it as a chat room and expect instant response, or that at the time we're deep into a very serious (or very silly) discussion. I do hope we haven't completely overlooked any new person posting though, I'm sure one of us has managed to post a hi or welcome.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 270

Rosemary - reincarnated courtesy of BBCiD

I didn't get a hello for a couple of leds, which was from Z, who'd invited me to come and join the atelier at the Birmingham meet. I've drifted away when my life has made the Atelier a bit impractical, but I've come back (this time round, just in time for the party! smiley - diva)

I think that this is one of the few places on the internet that truely understands, and practises, the concept of agreeing to disagree, and that is the strength behind our discussions, and what means that we can support each other through our joys and sorrows and share our experiences when we cover a range of political and religious beliefs.

Other than Salonistas, some of whom I almost certainly will never meet, I'm another person who knows all the people on my FB friends list IRL, and they're on there because I want to be able to keep up with them to a certain extent. I do very few quizzes or groups any more.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 271

Rosemary - reincarnated courtesy of BBCiD

Oh and any chance of a glass of Pimms to go with the wonderful weather we're having in England?

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 272


A nice, hoppy smiley - ale would go down well.

Amy the smiley - ant invited me along as well. Or rather talked me into joining, since I'd looked at the Salon before but been put off by the sheer number of postings.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 273


Amy was nice. I remember meeting her at the Spring Onion. Didn't she move away to the northlands like others here have done since.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 274


Lil, I've wondered the same about Amy smiley - ant. It seemed so odd that she just vanished and then hasn't been in touch with any of us since. It would be nice to hear how she's doing. Even if she got mad at one of us, you'd think she would have said something to one of the others. I hope she's healthy and happy.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 275

Titania (gone for lunch)

*will always remember when Amy smiley - ant exlaimed 'how did you get THOSE through the customs!?' and I replied 'what customs?' smiley - angelsmiley - whistle*

Good thing Ben can now buy citronpeppar at IKEA UK - much less hassle that way smiley - winkeye

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 276


Oh my, Ti. And there was that mad midnight rush across London to retrieve it from your hotel room. What an event. Ben gave me the kronars, I gave them to you, then you and Amy dashed across London to get the citronpeppar in time to catch the last train from Waterloo to Fleet and Teuchter Towers. The loot was then transported by train to Oxford where Z collected it and took it to Cheltenham to Ben. smiley - rofl My first international smuggling operation.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 277


I want to mention folks that we're talking about a lot of citronpeppar, not a wee bottle or bag.

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 278

Mrs Zen

smiley - bigeyes

I had no idea it was all so complicated! We've still got lots and lots, and still use it every day.

smiley - drool

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 279

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

I think that was the day of my first h2g2 meet - had to dash off after lunch, though, to get back to a rehearsal. Some things never change!

Party! Tenth Anniversary of the Atelier

Post 280


Perhaps at this point we ought to be sure to find our towels and a drink of something to toast absent friends, those who have been Salonistas and those without whom we would not be here.

Towel Day 2010, Thank you Douglas - U42

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