A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Eth Conversation at Lil's

Post 81

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The countdown to meltdown begins.....

Eth Conversation at Lil's

Post 82


*ox holds out hand for Mindspring to sniff*

Well, thanks Lil...Peace...see you later...

Take it easy, Loony!

Eth Conversation at Lil's

Post 83

Researcher 99947

How'd you like the gallery, Ox?

black tie white noise was by David Bowie, his "wedding gift" to his wife, Iman.

lil, I am tempted to send you my pithy pre-font image of my type... to get a bit of input

Eth Conversation at Lil's

Post 84

Researcher 99947

Although, right now, I've wandered off to concrete blond. I love them, for some strange reason (strange to me).

~0~ Joey, baby, don't get crazy ~0~
~0~ Be too expensive ~0~
~0~ I get defensive ~0~
~0~ I know you've heard it all before ~0~
~0~ So I don't say it anymore ~0~
~0~ I just stand by and let you fight your secret war ~0~
~0~ You know I used to wonder why ~0~
~0~ I used to cry til I was dry ~0~
~0~ Still sometimes I get a strange pain inside ~0~
~0~ Oh, Joey, if you're hurting, so am I ~0~

~0~ Joey, honey, I got the money ~0~
~0~ All is forgiven ~0~
~0~ Listen, Listen ~0~
~0~ And If I seem to be confused ~0~
~0~ I didn't mean to be with you ~0~
~0~ And when you said I scared you ~0~
~0~ Well I guess you scared me too ~0~
~0~ But we got lucky once before ~0~
~0~ And I don't want to close the door ~0~
~0~ And if you're somewhere out there
~0~ Packed out on the floor ~0~
~0~ Oh, Joey I'm not angry any more ~0~

Eth Conversation at Lil's

Post 85

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Goodnight ox, come back soon.

Yes please Sporky. I reckon I'll be largely h2g2-less tomorrow...

OK, I'm turning in. Please stay if you like, or move over to the new thread at

I hope we meet again on the other side.

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