A Conversation for Talking Point: White Lies?

No Santa for my kids

Post 1

The Groob

I'm never gonna start the Santa lie with my nippers. I don't want them to find out that a huge chunk of their childhood was based on a lie. How can I tell them lies and then in the next breath tell them it's bad to tell lies? I will encourage them to find magic elsewhere - such as in the magic of nature and the magic of good friendship. There's still enough unknown about our planet and universe for them to develop a healthy sense of awe about many things.

No Santa for my kids

Post 2

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

I assume you realize that when they start school, most of their friends >will< believe in Santa, which might possibly get awkward.

No Santa for my kids

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Indeed, when they assert there is no Santa, and 20 friends declare there is ... I see some heated inter-parent phone calls happening.

No Santa for my kids

Post 4

The Groob

I won't be heated about it. My kids have a right to believe - or not believe - in anything they want, just like adults.

No Santa for my kids

Post 5

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Certainly they have. I'm just picturing my grand-kids off to school, and hearing about this bearded chap with the gifts. And once my daughter sensibly and logically explained to them just how their friends' parents are lying to them, they might approach their friends. And how they'd be received. Best of luck, mate. smiley - smiley

No Santa for my kids

Post 6


A pity, Groob. Do or will- your youngsters read Harry Potter and suchlike?

Ours got to realise, at the appropriate time, that Santa's in here .

We still keep it up, to a degree: 'To Mum from Santa'...

It's part of Christmas (and not a believer among us).

Oh, and there's a straight malt, 'To Santa, from Us'

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