A Conversation for The Human Race- A nice species to visit but...

Humans? Don't want to be around them...

Post 1

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

Stu, did you really have to base that entry entirely on me?
I'm flattered of course but it wasn't neccesary...

Humans? Don't want to be around them...

Post 2

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

The entry is purely a general look at the human race and how to deal with it. It is not based upon any particular real life person, if it does, this is purely coincidental. The copyright for this product belongs to MrPsychoanalitic(expealidocious)

Humans? Don't want to be around them...

Post 3

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

If it is not based on an actual person, it must be considered to be a stereotypical view and therefore, mainly inaccurate. I suppose it works if you like to keep things nice and shallow, but the fact is that it is impossible to talk about every aspect of the human race on one entry. As for the mice... don't even try it.

Humans? Don't want to be around them...

Post 4

DOMINO (caught the deluge in a paper cup)

You've picked the wrong person to battle with my friend. When looking at the human race, I did 'sit on the fence,' as it were, so it can't be said that I was stereotyping the human race as a whole. The guide is not completed yet, but you yourself have already addmitted the truth in some of the claims. I am trying to generalize a whole species here, it is not a simple task.
You are reading the entry as a human would, full of your own self-importance. Frankly we have a long way to go before we become wise of the universe as a medium for time. I did try and add humour, which may have been a mistake, as it may make things seem exaggerated, but I can assure you it really isn't. It is a guide entry on how to look at and deal with the human race, not a chance to make a few witty comments and take the piss out of other people.

Humans? Don't want to be around them...

Post 5

Mrgrunt (With the Beard of Power!)

Weell, put me in my place smiley - smiley
OK, I give up but I reccomend you change the title a bit. You cannot really call human's a place now can you?

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