A Conversation for Instrumentality in humanity

Peer Review: A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 1


Entry: Instrumentality in humanity - A3017279
Author: Robert_Wells - U804417

Here is my article which is a brief overview on instrumentality and it use in philopshy. i tried to shorten it tio a suitable length but that was a necessary minumum. it is not as comical as my first piece but a deeper philopshy that is often over looked as we quest for deeper truths.

contact rwells852hotmail.com. when your reply. else he might forget to come back

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 2

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Hello Robert,

I think this will need quite a bit more work before it's suitable for the edited guide. There's a lot of spelling errors and typos, and a number of sentences that don't quite make sense.

I'm also a bit puzzled by this theory. It sounds something a little like some of Sartre's thought. However, I must confess to being sceptical about the view that we can completely create and recreate our own identity. I'm just not convinced that we can change our preferences and likes and dislikes.


A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 3



fair enough.

but i can't spell or puncuate and it is brief. you must understand that are mind is merely a creation of the environment around us and vice verse and if we merely change our perceptive we can become anyuthing we want.

also if i keep being critised for spelling and writing becuase i can't well i might have to aboaden the guide as that is the jopb of editor to edit

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 4

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

The role of sub-editors is not to correct large numbers of spelling and punctuation errors. For an entry to be pickable, it needs to be as correct as possible. All of the sub-editors are volunteers, and it's not fair to ask them to correct errors that you can correct yourself.

Why do you think that "if we merely change our perceptive we can become anyuthing we want"? However much I 'change my perspective', I will never be a supermodel, an astronaut, a football player, etc. Further, I cannot make myself believe things that are false. I can't believe that rain falls upwards, grass is blue, or that I am the Duke of Wellington.

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 5


True, but not true. What is the duke of wellington, what is up, you choose the defintion of these words becuase of instrumentality. these are mere words. you can say your the duke of wellington and your the duke of wellington. but the best truth of instrumentality is that your reality is also formed by other, reality is the collective view of humanity as they form your mind and your perspection becuase the truth is subject. you can find people who are large and fat gorgous, so are they supermodels that is becuase you define the words. your view have been implanted by others and while they are absed on the pyshical world the string mind can change these but the great mind merely changes yourself to find happiness with in these paradigms. This is the path to actualisation and the great meaning of life, douglas adam found it by percieving the numeral known as 42. you can find it the same way. by merely change the way you view reality.

however i shall remove the articles and aboaden this place for it has scored me as i have no time to proofread thus my knowledge shall go unnoted in your archieves for some time.

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 6


ps, i cant edit myself

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 7


Hi Robert, and hi Otto, smiley - smiley

I saw that Evangelion series on DVD - all in one go! Pretty crazy stuff at times. Frankly incomprehensible at others. With a healthy dose of G-force thrown in for good measure, smiley - winkeye.

but I'm afraid I didn't really follow this entry, smiley - sadface

for instance, <>

What do you mean by that?

Sorry you don't want to edit your writing to make it easier to read, you would probably get a better reaction if you could...

anyway, you clearly enjoy thinking about the world around you, and writing, so if you want a less restrictive forum in which to submit your musings, try the Alternative Writing Workshop at Writing-Alternative

You'll still do better there if you work on your spelling and grammar, but the contemplative nature of your entry might fit in better there than in PR. smiley - smiley

well, all the best

A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 8

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

The truth is not subjective. There can be arguments about what is true, and sometimes it might be impossible to know, but statements about at least some things are just true or false. The statement 'I am the Duke of Wellington' is false. It's false from every point of view. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong.

I agree to some extent about beauty. It's possible for two different people to find the same person very ugly or very attractive. But then claims about beauty (and art etc) are different kinds of claim - where there is no truth of the matter in the way that there is about historical and scientific questions.

But I don't think it's possible to change the way that one views reality. It's possible to be open to new ideas and interpretations, but I can't convince myself that it is raining when it isn't or that I find someone attractive when I don't.

No-one is saying that you have to leave the site and that you can't post here. Spiff has some good suggestions about alternative forums to submit writing to, but it's possible to write here and not submit it for review. Anything that anyone writes is part of the guide - this review forum is only for candidates for the edited section...


A3017279 - Instrumentality in humanity

Post 9


you all entitled to your opinion and that is fine. instrumentality may be a bit advanced and you are write you can't change everything. ok. that is it.

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