Instrumentality in humanity

1 Conversation

Have you ever ask the meaning of life and come up Short in answers?
Have you ever sat up night wondering 'what is this?'
Have you ever look in the mirror and not recognised the face looking back.

Congratulations, you have just scratch the surface of instrumenality. it is the philophical school which look at the very nature that humanity plays in th formation of everything.

Human instrumentality was featured on the japanese anime know as 'Neon genesis Evagelion and an expansion of the basic theory is detailed.

first problem is when most people ask the meaning of life, they are asking the wrong question. the true question is. For whose life do i seek meaning. instrumenality drives into that seeking what format everything.

So what makes you, you? well the simple answer is...

you are formed by the instrumental bonds you create with other that define your existence.

say what?! you ask. ok start at the beginning.

When you are first born you have no personality. admittingly your gentic material may affect your formation of a personality but it was no personality built into it.

So what makes us, us.

other people.

that is right, as you interact with people, your personality begins to form by the relationship you have with other people. as their perceptions create the true concept of yourself. this is due to the need to define ourselves against reality. so we take other people personality and contrast them against our own. we keep a complete working version of themselves in our mind and they do the same. The view they have in there mind is the same view as you have your mind.

example: if you have a friend, your have a opinion of your friend in your head and your friend has the same opinion, this is becuase they are formed by you and you have formed them in the mold. this is why we people see themselves as failure they are failures, and vice verse

we go on more about how instrumenlaity can be used for change later.

so in summary, the me that exist in your mind isthe same me the exist in my mind.

why? good thing you asked.

Imagine you lived in a realm of nothing, all there was you and nothing. what would disguish between you and nothing? you couldm't you would be nothing and you would no longer exist.

so this is why people define themselves by using others

now, since you know who you are, now you can find your meaning of life.

now most of you want love, respect, pleasure fame and so forth. and dislike, dishonour, pain and hate. so you merely must change your reception by take control of instrumentality and changing yourself with other to do this.

example: rainy days make you sad and sunny day make you happy. most people believe this but you merely change your percepyion and you can fun on a rainy day.

this is because the truth can change just by merely the way you percieve it. thus the meaning of life is what you want from your existence.

we seek this because we are filled with strife from the day we are individuals, we are incomplete without mother and we long to return to the blissful days of yore. but we can't. when we are born we are incomplete and must depend on other. we hate lonilesness and seek love, honour and the priase of other to create a better self to erase it.

but one who does not love themself can't love another.

so opnly you can create a better yourself by willing yourself to change and becoming who you want to be. if you wish for a greater value you have a great value.

thus you are the creation of your own mind as is the world around you. just percieve it as better and volia.

now go forth and seek l'reason d aitra. the reason for existence.

Robert wells

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