A Conversation for H2G2 Anniversaries

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 1

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

All you have to do is say when your H2G2 anniversary is and your name will be displayed on the anniversary page.

smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 2

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

My anniversary is July 27.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 3


11th February smiley - biggrin

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

I signed on 10 June 2000

Puffypants - if someone ask to be put on the list but isn't sure of when they signed on - do you know how to find out the day?

If not, I can help

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 5

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

No, actually I don't.
I just found out by going to the first conversation I went to and looking at the date I posted. I'm glad that I posted in a conversationon my first day here or else I wouldn't have known when I started.

By the way, is there any way of putting the names down so they'll automatically change if the preson changes their name?
I'm just going to put down "Titania" and "Venus" for the moment.

Another by the way, How did you come across the Anniversary page?

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 6

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

April 30. smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

Puffypants, if you use the link bio tag, the current user name will always show:

No closing tag needed.

Was that 'how did you find the Anniversay page?' aimed at all of us? Because I found it because you gave me a link...smiley - winkeye

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 8

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

Oh, right. Forgot about the link.

Thanks for the guide ML...thingsmiley - erm

So you know how to find out your anniversary if you don't know when it is?

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 9

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

I know one way. How would you do it?

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 10

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

What is your way? Because I don't know. That's why I'm asking.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 11

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

There's probably an easier way that I can't think of. But the way I did it was to disable cookies in my brouser. Then, when I clicked on my Personal Space, the date when it was opened (when I registered) appeared near the top of the page. Elementary, my dear Watson. smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 12

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

browser. smiley - blush

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 13

Titania (gone for lunch)

That's a new trick to me - does it work even if you didn't do anything about your user page for some time after registering?

The method I've used is checking when a researcher made their first posting in a conversation to get a general idea, calculate how many days ago that was, go to the <./>NewUsers</.> page and fiddle with the URL.

Hovering with my mouse over a researcher name shows me their researcher number, then I'd just go further back in time until I'd find the researcher in question.

Example: this link *currently* shows when I joined:


Tomorrow you'd probably have to adjust the timeunits to 1566

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 14

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

It should work. The first Entry you open is your Personal Space, whether you write anything in it or not.

Actually, there is a much simpler method: Simply go back to the oldest Entry in the Entry list. The oldest Entry is the Personal Space and the date is listed right there. The date is your registration date. smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 15

Titania (gone for lunch)

No, the date on my personal space says 15 June 2000, which is the first time I edited it - but I signed up on 10 June 2000.

And the oldest existing entry in my list of unedited entries is not my personal space, it's an entry that was created by another researcher but the editing rights were transferred to me.

This might also be the case if you are listed as one of the contributing researchers (a method used by some of the h2g2 clubs) of an entry that was created before you became a researcher.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 16

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Are you referring to the date in the right margin, which changes everytime you update your Personal Space?

I guess checking the 'My Most Recent Guide Entries' is not as fool proof as I thought. I checked a couple of other Researchers after my last post and found that on some, at least, the PS wasn't listed as a Guide Entry at all. Maybe it's a convention that's no longer in use. In my case, it is listed with an A number, just like an other Entry, and bears the same date as my registration:


JTG smiley - huh

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 17

Titania (gone for lunch)

I found the date on my MA-list of entries *offers a non-skin-specific linksmiley - nahnah*:

<./>MA135628?show=25&skip=140&type=2</.> shows 15 June 2000 for my user page

..and today the page that shows when I signed up to become a researcher is here:
<./>NewUsers?unittype=day&timeunits=1566&skip=0&thissite=1&Filter=haveintroduction</.> and it says 10 June 2000

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 18

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Well done! That must have taken a bit of clicking. smiley - bubbly

I've not really looked at that NewUser thingy before. It's astonishing the number of new people who are signing up. smiley - wow

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 19

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, I noticed that there was an awful lot of new researchers that signed on on the same day as you did - was that the official launching of the h2g2 dot com site?smiley - aliensmile<--green with envy at JtG's five digit researcher number

Yes, there are quite a lot of new researchers signing up every day these days - but many of them are never heard of again after registering...smiley - huh

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 20

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

No, not the first day. My alarm didn't go off and I missed the official launch by two days.

Yes, I've noticed a lot of vacant Personal Spaces. It seems to be a part of the general trend away from wrining Entries towards more of an interest in chatting.

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