A Conversation for H2G2 Anniversaries

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 21

DIZZY.DI Keeper of REBS dodgy tackle

10 JULY 2002

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 22

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

smiley - ok

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 23

Feisor - -0- Generix I made it back - sortof ...

Well .... in hootoo terms I must be almost as old as John The Gardener smiley - yikes

I signed on 11 May 1999

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 24

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

12th March 2004.

Ask Mr. Dreadful: A3473435
As seen in the <./>ThePost</.>!
I’m Listening. smiley - pirate

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 25


November 5th 1985

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 26

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

smiley - ok
I got them all down. smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 27

Witty Moniker

Well, the NewUser thingy shows I signed up March 19, 1999. Turns out that I got a pre-assigned user number.

I really registered on opening day. I believe that was April 28, 1999.

Atom_boy... 1985? Highly unlikely.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 28

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

So shall I put April 28?smiley - smiley

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 29

Witty Moniker

Yes, please. smiley - biggrin

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 30

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

smiley - ok

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 31


oops, i thought that this was a birthday calendar...like you know, when one should give a party because they aged...nevermind then!

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 32

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

There is a birthday page. It is here:
So the date wasn't your h2g2 anniversary?

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 33

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

There is a birthday page. It is here: A293195
So when is your h2g2 anniversary?

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 34

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

Oops.smiley - blush

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 35


when my h2g2 anniversary is...i dunno...

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 36

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

Try the nes user thing. There are a few posts on the first page of this converstion where you can find out what to do.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 37

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

That should be "new user"

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 38

Titania (gone for lunch)

Atom_boy - you're h2g2 anniversary is on July 18th. See this link (will only work today):


When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 39

Puffypants -NOT AN ACE or anything else. Just a chocolate lover and a Friend of Tibet.

I'll put that down on the anniversary page.

When is your H2G2 anniversary?

Post 40


thanks....sorry for the misunderstanding :P

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