Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being
Created | Updated Sep 9, 2004

As far as I am aware, some 250,000 people were killed needlessly in an insane jihadil attack by the Taliban on the World Trade Centre on September 11th, 2001. That is ridiculous, so many did not need to die. Why, that's about as much as die in American abortion clinics every day because apparently it is a woman's fundamental right to murder her children before they even leave the womb. This is natural, since until they completely exit that space, they are in fact a part of her. Yup, even if most of the body is outside, the limbs moving about, but the head is still inside, the baby is simply a part of the woman's
body. This is why the father has no say, since until the baby exits, it is a part of the woman's body and therefore does not contain 50% of his DNA. 1.
When Nostradamus was alive, September was the seventh month, thus he was merely two years off when he wrote In the year 1999 and seven months From the sky will some the great king of terror. He will bring to life the great king of the Mongols. Before and after war reigns happily. I have no idea who this Mongol guy is, but Nostradamus predicted the attack on the WTC and Pentagon. This was an attack on America, and hence on Ahriman and the Matrix. It was quite possibly the only possible physical attack on this intangible entity. This event was the beginning of the Apocalypse.
Eight years from now, Regulus will pass from Leo into Cancer and the Age of Aquarius will begin. This will be the end of the Mayan calendar, signifying great earthquakes and the reawakening of a great king in Chichen Itza. He will bring out a huge army frozen in time
and conquer the world. The gods of the Nahuatl people are angry; they have been defiled, their temples destroyed, and no-one gives them hearts any more. Their religion has been absorbed into formal Christianity. These gods desire unbalance, discord, and evil, and to
that end they manipulate both Lucifer and Ahriman. Matters came to a head in 4BC, when Sorat was crucified in Mexico at the same time Christ was crucified in Nazareth. The Nahuatl gods are making a comeback, and will soon reincarnate. Prepare thyself for a slaughter.
I wonder who we can look to for protection. Perhaps the angels, but they have never faced a challenge as great as this. The gods of Egypt have lost much of their power, though there are still those devoted to them in certain branches of freemasonry. When Nanahuatzn and Tecuciztecatl set themselves on fire at the birth of Adam, they did not die, but instead became Ra and Thoth, the Egyptian gods of the sun and the moon. Thus purified, and showing that they were able to make great sacrifices, the two were installed as the greatest gods of the most magical country in the world. It was assigned to Ra, then the Solar Logos, to guard over and rule this solar system; however, he has since ascended and once again become one with Allah, leaving to lower of the gods as well as the weaker gods of Greece and Rome, supervised by the Hindu gods, to carry on his work. Horus of the two horizons now rules the sun, though Thoth is still in charge of the moon.
If they decide the fight the Nahuatl army, the Egyptian gods will have their work cut out for them, since a few of their fellows already serve the Nahuatl. Namely, Apophis and Sutekh, the serpent and the devil. Sutekh claims to be the true Satan, though if it really was Choronzon speaking through the ouija board that established the Temple of Set, I suspect he was lying. Still, these gods are dangerous, and will likely associate with the Nahuatlans to get their way. One should also watch out for Sebek, the crocodile, who while not exactly evil, did dismember Osiris and scatter the pieces of his body over the entire land of Egypt.
In reality, the only way for good to triumph over evil is an alliance between angels and gods, between modernity and paganism, magic and technology, the advanced and the archaic. General Sakhmet and King Horus will have to join forces with Brave Michael and almighty Metatron. Only then will they have a force great enough to make the Apocalypse go the right way.
Fourteen years after this, the third 666-year period since the double crucifiction of Christ and Antichrist will begin. These periods are not sharply defined, with major events being set in motion long in advance and past influences lingering for a long time. Three is
an important number, for a variety of reasons. It represents the archangels Michael, Gabriel and Chamuel; the three mother letters in Hebrew; the three main gods of Hinduism; and the three Horuses of Egypt. Towards the end of this period will come the discovery of tachyons and of time travel and the unity of art, science, and philosophy. Humanity, angelism, and godhood will all advance to higher levels of consciousness. But before that, Quetzalcoatl and Montecuzoma must be defeated.
What can you do to prepare? Don't sell all your possessions and move to an isolated cave somewhere. What, did you really think that the Apocalypse is going to be a physical thing? My friend, you have a lot to learn. This thing will take place within us all, as light grapples with dark and Ra contests Apophis for the final time. No-one is immune - not you, not politicians, not pop stars, not blind Tibetan monks, not anyone. However, each of us has the power to win this was within ourselves. Simply turn towards the light. The best way to do this is to guard your karma, even if you don't believe in it. If you get an urge to do something bad, elevate your thoughts to Allah, even if you don't believe in Her. Research, learn. Be a good person. Avoid overmaterialism or excessive intellectualism, in both cases to the exclusion of all else. We can win this I we decide to. We just have to put our minds and souls to it.
Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.
Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being Archive
passionately pro-life