A Conversation for Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Peer Review: A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
J Started conversation Oct 6, 2004
Entry: Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President - A2973576
Author: Jodan - What's mined is yours... UnderGuide at A1103329 - U201497
The italics seem to have made a mistake and placed this in the Flea Market because of a mix-up with another Robert E Lee entry...
The original thread is at F1881010?thread=487367
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 7, 2004
The other Grant entry is still in Peer Review. Can you contact the eds and ask to move it to the Flea Market? (And hope they don't move this one).
When that's sorted out, I'll have a look at this one.
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Jimi X Posted Nov 5, 2004
I would like to see some mention of his reputation (deservedly or not) of being a butcher who sent his men into certain death. Perhaps you could add it after the bit about Cold Harbor?
Something like:
At Cold Harbor, Grant basically sent his men to slaughter at the nearly impenetrable Confederate defences Which did nothing to lessen his reputation as a poor tactician who used his force's superior numbers like a hammer to batter the Rebels into submission. He always regretted this attack.
Or something similar?
But overall, I thought this was a pretty fair appraisal of the guy.
- Jimi X
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 5, 2004
Since there is no sign of the other entry moving out of Peer Review, I suppose it is time I looked at this one.
Choice of words:
with only one side on the horse -- I don't know what this means
He worked hard, and it just wasn’t worth it --> He worked hard, but it just wasn’t worth it
"There weren’t any fortifications and the Americans weren’t prepared for an attack."
"The Union men defended a thick forest nicknamed ‘The Hornet’s Nest’ until the Americans were organized."
Who were the Americans here?
who he got along was forming a bond with -- this is clumsy, even if you add "and" after "along".
withdrew from Petersburg -- there's no subject in this sentence. Who withdrew?
The paragraph which starts "A group called the Radical Republicans" is very badly phrased and could do with being rewritten.
Since Washington, no President had served more than two terms, and it would be against tradition to only have two terms. --
I don't understand this. Why would only having two terms be against tradition?
and sent to the Fourth US Infantry --> and was sent to the Fourth US Infantry
graduated West Point with --> graduated from West Point with
Illnois --> Illinois
Cairo Illinois --> Cairo, Illinois
demaning --> demanding
in city of Corinth --> in the city of Corinth
uprepared --> unprepared
to lay siege on it --> to lay siege to it
southern morale --> Southern morale
politiican --> politician
reelected --> re-elected
Whisky Ring -- should that be Whiskey Ring?
cancer is growing in his throat --> cancer was growing in his throat
Her wife was buried next to him --> She was buried next to him.
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
J Posted Nov 6, 2004
"Since there is no sign of the other entry moving out of Peer Review, I suppose it is time I looked at this one."
...especially as two entries currently on the front page link to this one...
All done.
Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Nov 22, 2004
Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.
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Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 22, 2004
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Peer Review: A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
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