A Conversation for Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Peer Review: A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
J Started conversation Sep 20, 2004
Entry: Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President - A2973576
Author: Jodan - Ohio history for 4200, Alex. - U201497
Part of a 10 part Civil War project... see the top of this for the other entries.
Grant was a good man. An Ohioan, in fact. I very much respect his boldness and intelligence.
Comments always helpful. Thanks.
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Sep 21, 2004
There's already an entry on Ulysses Grant in Peer Review. A2323289. Tradition is that we don't like to have more than one on any subject. Can you contact the author of the other entry, with a view to collaboration or him removing his entry? If he has gone off the site, can you arrange for his one to be cleared out (after a suitable rest period)?
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
Dr Hell Posted Sep 21, 2004
The other Entry is heading FM. And this one is *a lot* more thorough.
In the meantime: "Her wife was buried next to her." Ulysses Grant underwent a posthumous sex reversal?
A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
J Posted Sep 21, 2004
We asked to move the works of TLG. The italics haven't yet. They asked if someone would consider taking on the subject. Mind you, I didn't use any of his/her words, because it's very much like a timeline and is rushed, so I didn't credit him/her.
That's fixed Hell.
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Peer Review: A2973576 - Ulysses S Grant - Union General and American President
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