A Conversation for cows
Getting warmer
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted May 23, 2000
do you want to write a book or do you like writing short articels or guide entries better?
Getting warmer
Jimi X Posted May 23, 2000
I don't have any ideas big enough for a full-blown novel. Though nonfiction is a real possibility - thanks to all the time I spent as a reporter.
I like short writing a bit better because it really forces you to be to the point. When I'm old enough to retire, I fully expect to write freelance stories for magazines and stuff.
How about you, do you like any English writers that I may have heard of?
Getting warmer
Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost) Posted May 23, 2000
Well, I like DNA of course and I like Ken Follet. But I don't remember any other authors...
But I read both in German. I tried reading DNA in English, but somehow I didn't manage to. I found out I didn't get the plot anymore and had no idea what had happened in the last 50 pages, so I gave up...
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