A Conversation for cows

Getting warmer

Post 41

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Merissa? (is that a name?)

Natalica? (or something like that?)

Getting warmer

Post 42

Jimi X



And they're both cute as buttons! smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 43

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Natalie, oooops, I should have guessed that...smiley - sadface
But Meredith, never heard of that but it sounds very nice smiley - smiley

How old are you?

(I was looking for a good time to ask this but didn't find any)

Getting warmer

Post 44

Jimi X

31 And getting older every day... smiley - winkeye

Getting warmer

Post 45

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

That's not old, don't worry.
Were you born in Hershey?

Getting warmer

Post 46

Jimi X

Nope, no hospital there. I was born in nearby Harrisburg. But it's all in the bio at http://www.h2g2.com/A143182

I think everybody should write one of these kind of things! smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 47

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Been there!
Well, I already expected that there will be a point when you stop talking and start wanting me to go to a page like that.
I don't think I'll write one, because there's not much to talk about. I'm living in the town I was born (for 14 years now) and want to run a home for street kids when I'm older. (at the moment, it changes all the time)smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 48

Jimi X

You could write about your schooling, where you learned English so well, about your family, etc.... smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 49

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I learned English in New Jersey, I've been there for two months when my father had a job at the NJIT.
I watched TV most of the time smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 50

Jimi X

LOL! Some people would argue that they don't speak 'English' in New Jersey! smiley - smiley

(Sorry I haven't replied in a couple of days. I was out of town on a work assignment. smiley - sadface )

Getting warmer

Post 51

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

But some people would also say that American English isn't English at all...smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 52

Jimi X

smiley - tongueout

Getting warmer

Post 53

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

smiley - winkeye
Don't take it too serious.smiley - smiley

What excatly do you do? In you bio it just says what you've already done.

Getting warmer

Post 54

Jimi X

I do public relations for a local school district - writing newsletters, sending press releases to the area media, organizing events, etc.

I also work in a bookstore part-time so I can get heap books.

And I'm a part-time sports writer for a local daily newpaper.

But when I'm not doing all that, I play with my kids! smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 55

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

That's quite a lot.
Do you read a lot?

Getting warmer

Post 56

Jimi X

Only between midnight and 3 a.m. and sometimes during my lunch break at work. smiley - smiley

So yes!

And working in the bookstore keeps that addiction fed. smiley - smiley

Getting warmer

Post 57

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

who are your favourite authors? (besides DNA)
I used to read a lot, but I don't anymore, I don't know why, it's probably a phase I'm going through.

Getting warmer

Post 58

Jimi X

I've never read anything by Umberto Eco that I didn't like. And there's Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke (of course), and some Heilman, Alexandre Dumas when I'm feeling silly. Shakespeare when I'm feeling less so....

I could go on and on. smiley - smiley

Love to read! Almost as much as I love to write! smiley - winkeye

Getting warmer

Post 59

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

what kinda things do you write about?

I read different stuff, mainly German speaking (writing) authors...

Getting warmer

Post 60

Jimi X

School stuff for the most part. But I also cover football, basketball and wrestling for a local paper. In addition to that, I've written a bunch of stuff about Pennsylvania for h2g2 (since I've lived there for 31 years, I figured I ought to write what I know!) and I've tried my hand at some short fiction, but it's really quite bad.

smiley - smiley

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