A Conversation for Virtual Birthday Party Preparations

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 61


Can I have a very very large Cuba Libra please

Hey guess what is coming next!!!

It is now only three days til the virtual party (yippee!) and many thanks to all
those of you who have helped us prepare but now we need your help. I am about to
build the virtual party page and we want you to build pages that we can link to
it. I am going to build a greenhouse because that is where I am usually found
at parties (don't ask!). Please can you think of a room suitable for the party, build it
and give me the URL and I will advertise it on the Virtual Party Page! We need a
kitchen, a bar, disco....... we leave it up to you!

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 62


sounds like a fantastic project...as soon as i get off work i will begin prepairing a room for the party....a room for my hottub, the hottub is a must....trust me smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 63

Demon Drawer

Good call Monsy all h2g2 parties require a hottub. smiley - bigeyes

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 64

Dancing Ermine

And HRASC rules shall have to be enforced too smiley - winkeye

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 65

Demon Drawer

Absolutely. Don't want any shark attacks to spoil the party now do we. smiley - winkeye

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 66

Dancing Ermine

Most definitely not smiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 67


DE - are you going to make me a room for the virtual party venue?

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 68

Dancing Ermine

I'm working on one, since you asked so nicely and personally.smiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 69


What a star you are!!! smiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 70

Dancing Ermine

Nearly done, it was easier than I thought... smiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 71


Thanks mate!!!!

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 72

Dancing Ermine

'Tis done. We now have a driveway at http://www.h2g2.com/A308477

I'm just off to mention it at the Virtual Party Venues forumsmiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 73


it is already referenced.

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 74

Dancing Ermine

Thanks smiley - smiley

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 75


ok, it isn't much but it is a hottub smiley - smiley.....
be kind about the setup as i had to do it quite quickly so that i could finish working about the house and actually visit with the others who live with me and call me mom smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 76

Down My Lane


Just wanted to wish everyone a good party. I'm on holiday at the moment +7 GMT and they shut the cyber cafes early! So have a good one, I'll be thinking of you.

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 77


Thanks Monsy that is brilliant

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 78


Hmmm...this dumb real lifer needs to get with the programme..
Looks like this is gonna be some party...
Am i invited or must i gatecrash...lol
cos i is a comin

PS...when is it exactly?

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 79


Its tomorrow - and every one is welcome. We have nearly finished building the venue and it looks pretty cool!

Making a list of potential cocktail ingredients:

Post 80


by all means smiley - smiley the more the merrier smiley - winkeye.....
monsy smiley - fish

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