A Conversation for Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Peer Review: A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 1

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Entry: Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks - A2946747
Author: Baryonic Being - (HHH - A2411191) - U234603

I must ask one big question:

If you have read any or all of my other Guide Entries, do you think that they all essentially say the same things but with different conclusions?

I sometimes think that's happening and I wanted someone else's opinion.

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 2


Nope, I think this comes from another angle, and is again very well-written and absorbing with some great analogies.

First point, you say that the nucleus of an atom is five times smaller than the atom itself - by your figures I think you mean 10^5 times.

Secondly, I was hoping to see a bit more under quantum tunnelling. Memory fails me unfortunately, but rather than just relying on mere chance, you could try to pass though walls by limiting (to zero) the information you emit. You'd have to be at absolute zero etc etc and in absolute darkness, but in the same way that observation fixes a property of a particle, a person could be in superposition (both sides of the wall) if he/she transmits no information. I'm sure there was a lot more to it though, sorry I can't remember more. Feel free to ignore me
smiley - cheers

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 3

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Thank you for pointing out that obvious error. It's fixed now.

The Quantum Mechanics entry deals with quantum tunnelling. I don't really want to be repeating information. Also, I plan to write yet another entry that deals with the effect you are describing - by existing in a state where no information of you can escape you can do quantum things. From that to-be-written entry I will link to this entry explaining that it is a better way to quantum tunnel through a wall.

Thanks again. smiley - smiley

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

I found the combination of quantum mechanics and hyperspace in this very strange. I can see no real connection between these two topics and think it is straining things to try and fit them both into one entry. It is like writing an entry on cake baking and hyperspace.smiley - smiley

How can you be so specific about the size of the electron? If the electron doesn't even have a location, how can it have a size?

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 5

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

The reason for the 'unnatural' combination, as you see it, is that I am effectively trying to talk about ways to walk through a wall successfully. Both the quantum mechanical idea and the hyperspatial idea will work in principle to attain this goal.

The size of the electron was a value that I looked up. As a point-particle, the electron can have a rough size, but when it behaves as a wave it isn't proper to describe it in this way.

I think I may re-think the content of the entry. Thank you for your comments.

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 6

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

I'm going to take this entry out of PR while I re-think the content and add/modify as necessary.

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

BB, mine is only one opinion among many. But do what you think is right. Take your time. smiley - smiley

A2946747 - Magic in Hyperspace: Walking Through Walls and Other Party Tricks

Post 8

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

I know that. But I had also thought of something else that I wanted to include/modify.

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