A Conversation for why?,why?,why?.


Post 1

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Jim smiley - cuddle
I can't answer why luv, as I'm one of those without the cash, but I totally agree with all you say....
It seems a case of money breeds money, and those who need just have to need... Sad I know...
smiley - love


Post 2

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi shel, if there was an answer,then the human race would be out of poverty,

so have and so dont, its been that way since the start of time,maybe even far back as the caveman
it aint going to change now jimxx


Post 3


oh jim,nobody can answer what you're askng.All i can say is ,if i hadn't been ill.i would stil be working to be able to buy the things we needed,and even after his heart attack billy is st still working,but i thank god that he is still able to work.We chose to struggle so that there would be something for our children when we went,and it WAS a struggle,believe me.All my daughters work full time,despite having families,because they want the best for their children,and i am proud that they do.
As fs for the collection tins,.....there ar some charities that don't give everything they collect to the people it's meant for,s,so i choose carefuly who i i give to,but i do give to charities...cancer research and the nspcc.Not a lot ,because i cant afford a lot,but a little.
Everyone lives the way thats best for them,,and peope with nothing can get help,bp,but i do agree with some of the points you've raised.smiley - hug


Post 4

Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home.

hi sal
i was at a loose end so i wrote what came to mind.
but with all the money thats around,if the rich would think more of people who have nothing,the why? could be answered,
maybe in the future no one will be poor or rich,and things like gold,platium,and so on wont be worth anything.
it reminds me of a twilight zone from sci fi,three men rob a security truck and go into suspended animation,but instead of ten years forward, they wake in the 25 century,and find that gold is worthless.and all people where equal,ahh just think of it,not working for money, but because you want to lol jimxx

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