
1 Conversation

I wrote this in 2004, nothing as changed, if anything its ten times worse now, all over the world
why is it when a dog is hit, by public transport the vehicle as to report it, But if a cat is hit by a vehicle, nothing needs to be done?.
Alright a dog is(mans best friend)as we are told.
But isn't a cat a pet as well, that give love and comfort to old and young.
Why is it that people who help animals, and people, still have to stand on a street corner to get money to look after the sick and disabled, people and animals why? because the Goverment say they are not entitled to help.
But with out shelters and places for homeless to find a meal. Dogs to be taken when people have had enough of the so called pets, and leave them to be found tied to a post for the R.S.P.C.A to find.
especial'y after Xmas, and the novelty as worn off.
Why is it that in this day and age an elderly person as to pay for things they need when they are disabled, and undergo what is tanta' mount to a means test?.
If someone is disabled and needs help, still over 40% have to pay for invalid vehicles and such, why?
And why, when people are rich and others poor cant the rich give them that need help, without looking for a way of getting their tax reductions, for giving to charity. You come on this earth with nothing, And you will leave with nothing. Some will have the wealth and do nothing with it, but buy cars, boats, planes?. They are the ones that will walk past a collecting box.
Some will use there money to help other people
but not the needy, they help them that already as money, to make more and more, then leave it sitting in a bank for the heirs, why?
Why is it people have to stand in all weathers to sell a magazine(the big issue) but first they have to find the money to buy them, go to another town to get them, and then, sell them to some people that dont really want them, to get their money back to live, and go get more, why?.
Why do the members of parliament, Get money for a second house, when their constituant's cant even get one house to live in?
Why is it britain as gone nuts, when people go to work, its shut, and find not one, but three bosses, and none want them?.
Why do they have to pay from their own pockets to hire a bus, to find the bosses don't want to even speak to them?.
And the big why, why did the banks mess the county up, didnt anyone see, where they blinkered, and the bankers get help, and take it as their big fat bonuses?
Why as the countries gone thought two big wars, yet we are still fighting each other, and what for, land, religion, anything that someone doesn't like?
If anyone reading this can answer why. Maybe the world would, and could still be a better place to live. i am adding to it im a few weeks from my 77th birthday.
As we know the wars are still going on it wont end in my lifetime
the future is not what i expected, why! we are in a world if i could have many times been taken out of it, Why cant we live as in the past before the big wars someone wants what someone else as.
tecno is now the latest nightmare Why because some are using it was a way of drivig others mad. Why because mobils are a joke in time someone will invent a thing to use inside a body lol or mabe not.

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