A Conversation for Transaction with the Trinity, Deal with the Devil (UG)

Not a pop fan

Post 1


Most of it's just noise to me...

But, your entry - I smiley - musicalnoteLike It

Not a pop fan

Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And I like it too.
smiley - cheers
But, damn, it reminded me that just a few weeks ago I had finally learned what Cliff Richards real name was and it made me realise that now I have completely forgotten it.

But I have this lingering notion it was a fact worth knowing.
So is there any chance someone here-abouts could refresh my memory?

I also recently learned that Elton John made up his name from two guys in Long John Baldry's band. A guy named Elton and of course Long John hisself. For equally perplexing reasons this useless titbit has not escaped me although the image of Long John pulling him out of a gas oven suicide scene and inspiring "Someone Saved My Life Last Night, Sugar Bear" may be just too indelibly imprinted.

smiley - ok

Not a pop fan

Post 3


Got a funny feeling it's Harry Webb.

The mum of an old school friend of mine used to serve Cliff Richard's mum in the bank. (Or something like that). This has nothing remotely to do with either my remembering Cliff's real name, or your gas oven suicide aside!

Glad you folk liked the entry.

smiley - ciderPaff

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