A Conversation for The h2g2 Researchers' Group

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

First things first, you’re all probably wondering why the author of this piece is me as opposed to Skankyrich who, lets be fair, thought this whole thing up. Well basically there are three reasons for that:
1)He’s busy
2)I’m an attention seeker
3)When future generations of hootizens look back at this, the moment when the community turned round and made a stand against the failure of the project, I want to be able to say that I helped as much as I could.

And, let’s be honest, reason three is the real reason that the Researcher’s Group exists. Still, enough of the rhetoric and waffle – I’ll leave that to more charismatic writers than I.
November is, in a way, a flawed sample. The group didn’t start until five days in, and my tally of entries was made with two days to go and quite a lot of un-collated data. Still, let’s see how we all did! Did we hit our target of 18 entries per month picked from PR? (Please note that the following represents an incomplete sample. Hopefully we’ll keep a running total throughout December so that we can inject some accuracy into the proceedings).

2 Per Month Pledges:
Skankyrich – 3 submitted
AlexAshman – 3 submitted
Fizzymouse – SIX picked! (Although she claims that three don’t count. Modest Mouse anyone?)
Psycorp603 – 2 picked
Bob Stafford – Unknown – at least one in PR, and a few in the EGWW
Galaxy Babe – Unknown number of picks, at least 5 in PR, unless I missed any.
Antelia – Who truly understands the workings of the mysterious Nats?

Subtotal: 8+ Picks; 12 Still in PR

1 Per Month Pledges:
Deke – “a few in PR”
Boredlaura – At least one in PR that I’ve seen
Jimi X – Has anyone seen this researcher?
Broelan – 2 in PR

Subtotal: Unknown Picks; 3 plus “a few” Still in PR

As And When Pledges
Lil – One WIP
B’Elana –1 Pick
Elentari –1 Pick, 1 in PR
Tartaronne – Unknown
Jules K – Unknown
Mr Dreadful – Unknown
Paff – 1 in PR that I’ve spotted
Tamrhind – 4 in PR that I’ve spotted
ST MKII – Unknown
Wilma Neanderthal – 1 Pick

Subtotal: 3 Pics, 5+ in PR
Grand Total: 14 Picks; 20+ in PR!

So well done to everyone in the Researcher’s Group! We may well have hit our November targets, depending on the inaccuracy of my tally, but we've run a damn near thing regardless.

Please, for next month, can everyone please let me know how many entries you've had picked and still have in PR by FRIDAY DECEMBER 28th? Assuming I'm allowed to do another newsletter that is!

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 2

Skankyrich [?]

Thanks for doing this, Psycorp. It's great to see how we're getting on, and I'm very grateful to you for following it through and keeping score, so to speak smiley - cheers

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 3

Fizzymouse- no place like home

smiley - wow You don't hang about Psycorp - I haven't been on for 24 hours and come back to a newletter.smiley - bigeyes

smiley - applause

.... I do think you've overplayed mine a bit .... but I've said that already.smiley - blush

smiley - mouse

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 4

Wilma Neanderthal

Eeep! Mine's not been picked yet - but I am working on that smiley - run

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

See, this is why we need a running total! First person to get a pick or a new submission in December, just leave a message on my PS in the "Researcher's Group - December Totals" thread, will you?

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 6

Secretly Not Here Any More

Oh, and an expanded version of this is going in the post.

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 7


Having only just come back my picks not due till 4th Dec. anyway.
As for writing, err, well, have something on the go just now, I'll get around to finishing it hopefully at the w/e or by w/e. smiley - erm

wish they'd sort/fix the blasted hootoo search engine</>smiley - steam

Like the newsletter idea though. smiley - ok

smiley - cat

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 8

Secretly Not Here Any More

Cheers ST!

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm thinking about something - but then I tend to brood over my ideas, so it could be a while or never. smiley - laugh

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 10

Secretly Not Here Any More

The first options sounds best B'el!

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 11

aka Bel - A87832164

I'll see what will happen once I start researching. smiley - smiley

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 12


"Jimi X – Has anyone seen this researcher?"

Yes, I have, he commented on one of my entries.
He's probably trying to decide if he's missed any aspect of Pennsylvania to write about smiley - winkeye

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

Does anyone know if he's subscribed to this? Or indeed if anyone I couldn't find stats for is?

I'll be starting a tally thread here (that I'll link to in the post version of the newsletter) on December 1st by the way, so if you'd all like to make my (or whoever does next month's newsletter) life easier, can you make use of it? smiley - biggrin

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 14

Skankyrich [?]

Certainly! What do you want, submissions, picks or Front Page features? Or all three? smiley - winkeye

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 15

Secretly Not Here Any More

Shall we just stick with submissions and picks?

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

That sounds sensible smiley - smiley

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ummm.. *holds up hand*

Before I break anything again.. Can you please tell me if that is picks for personal Entries.. or Scout Picks? smiley - erm

*hides under her Matt* smiley - lurk

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 18

Secretly Not Here Any More

Indeed it does!

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 19

aka Bel - A87832164

I've just submitted an entry to PR - that makes a grand total of two for November. smiley - somersault

h2g2 Researcher’s Group Newsletter – November 07

Post 20

Secretly Not Here Any More

The post version's popped up on my PS, so that'll be in the next issue.

Key: Complain about this post