The h2g2 Researchers' Group
Created | Updated Oct 27, 2008
If you haven't noticed already, there is little in the way of original material making its way to PR, and less making its way to the Front Page. I have therefore come up with the following pledge for all serious h2g2 Researchers, who love and care about the site and wish for it to continue. I believe that, without Researchers making and following up a solid commitment to the future health of the Edited Guide, there is little future for our dream of creating the ultimate Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything.
If, like me, you believe passionately in the dream of Douglas Adams - that is, that we should create the Earth Edition of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - then please sign up to the simple pledge below. I believe that twenty committed Researchers can save the site; if you have time to spare, please sign up to the pledge below. Thank you.
What We Expect
There are no badges here, no glory, no recognition from anyone but your peers that you are contributing. What you are doing by signing up to this agreement is, effectively, promising that you will work your hardest to keep h2g2 running in its present form. We ask that you:
Be active in Peer Review; this means that you will spend at least half an hour a day, at least three times a week reading and commenting on Entries.
Commit yourself to contributing to the Edited Guide. This means that you should either write an original Entry, 'rescue' an Entry from the Flea Market and submit it for review, or Update an existing Entry at least once every month. In the pledge below, you can commit to more if you like.
If you are not already a volunteer, look towards becoming a Scout or Sub-Editor yourself.
Subscribe to the Edited Guide Writing Workshop to catch new writers, and encourage them as you feel able.
If you aren't able to keep up this pledge, you're needed anyway. If you post onsite to keep up with friends, write a journal or do a bit of roleplay, that doesn't mean you can avoid the Edited Guide. Without it, the site won't exist. We need every member of this site to work as hard for the EG as they are able - or we may not have a site to indulge ourselves on at all.
How To Join
The group is not considered to be elitist or exclusive, but asks that all members show that they can commit themselves to the above pledge. Sign up using the box below, or the appropriate conversation at the bottom of the page, and let us know if you will be committing to write one or two Entries per month, or if you cannot commit to a particular number for whatever reason. Please commit to as many as you can; we need you!
I can write ... Entries per month/I would like to sign up, but cannot commit to a specific number of Entries per month (delete as appropriate).