The X-Philes - Allies Part Five

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Part Five

Scene: FBI Headquarters 16th May, 1943

Miller, Miles and Rose are in the office surrounded by papers. They are trying to put the events into some kind of order.

Miles: 'So this is what is happening. From what I can make out from all these transcripts, communiques and God knows what else the Russians have found or developed a virus that they are co-developing with someone here. They want to develop a vaccine against the effects of this virus. According to the latest transcripts they are bringing in 'volunteers' by boat next week and shipping them to Roswell New Mexico. But what I don't know is 'why?'. If the Russians are building a biological weapon, why develop it here? They hate capitalists and we hate commies.'

Rose: 'Maybe your boss has the missing pieces; who these volunteers are, what's in New Mexico and, more importantly, who's behind the virus, the Americans or the Russians.'

Miller: 'The only thing to do is search Spender's office.' (checks watch) 'He's long gone by now.'

Miles: 'Ok, Miller. I want you to go home.'

Miller protests.

Miles: 'No, hear me out. If the worst comes to the worst I want you to take over, you and Diana. From what you told me this afternoon she seems to be trustworthy and she has access to the same information Rose has. She's a little hot tempered but that's not a problem is it?'

Miller shakes his head.

Miles: 'Good! Now go! If you don't see us for seven days take over with Diana as your contact.'

Rose: 'Even if she won't be your contact try and get the Embassy gossip out of her. It's what she loves to do. I got my information about Alain from her.'

Rose shrugs.

Rose: 'What Diana doesn't know is not worth listening to, if that makes any sense.'

Miles: 'Right. You clear about what you got to do?'

Miller nods. He and Miles shake hands.

Miller: 'Hey, I'll see you in a couple of days.'

Miller leaves.

Rose: 'Now what? Break into your boss's office?'

Miles: 'Why not? He's long gone.'

Rose sighs.

Rose: 'I can see it now! "What did you do in the war, Nana?" Well I uncovered a spy ring conducting experiments on people. I told the FBI only to find out the Agent I contacted's boss was one of the top brass involved so we broke into his office to steal papers that would seal the fate of the world one way or the other. This isn't real life - it's a very bad spy novel!'

Miles laughs and puts his hand on her shoulder.

Miles: 'I bet you'd do it again if you could.'

Rose: 'No way. I'd take my chances back in England.'

They leave the office and go to Spenders office. They are looking through his draws and cabinets when Miles sees a figure outside the door. He motions Rose to move out of sight. He draws his gun and throws the door open. Outside is the janitor with a mop in his hand. We can see that he is the modern day Kersh.

Miles: 'What the hell are you still doing here Curtis?'

Curtis: 'I's jus' doin' ma job sir. Mist' Spender, he want me to clean his office real careful like. Don't leave nuthin out, he say.'

Miles: 'I'm doing some work in here. Come back later and don't tell anyone you saw me in here. Do you understand me? No-one - not even Mr Spender.'

Curtis: 'I understand Mist' Doggett sir. I didn't see nuthin.'

Miles: 'Good! Now leave and don't come back for at least an hour.'

Curtis leaves, hurrying up the corridor.

Rose: 'Miles I think I've found them. Look, the ship 'Marita' docks in New York on the 24th May from Copenhagen carrying refugees from Europe. Then they are due to be split up into smaller groups and moved to various places throughout the United States and Canada. One of the places they're due to go is New Mexico. Another is Nevada; Arizona, Oregon, Montana - nearly every State is taking refugees! Look.'

Rose hands the paper to Miles.

Miles: 'This is from the State Department. The Government can't be involved in this surely! God, how far does this conspiricy go?'

Rose: 'Hold on. There are some more in here and these are hand written.'

Miles looks at them.

Miles: 'That's Spenders handwriting alright. A list of who's going where. Roswell, Bellefleur, Skyland Mountain, what else is in there?'

Rose: 'More transcripts, some in Russian, some in code. Well I assume it's code. It's no language or code I recognise. Test results, medical records, names, addresses. My God, I think this is it! I think we've got the final pieces.'


The scene changes back to the present day.
Doggett and Catherine are staring in shock at the papers on the table.

Catherine: 'What the hell does all this mean? That the Russians and the Americans were experimenting on Jewish and Russian refugees in some attempt to hold the world to ransom with the first biological terrorist threat, or did Nana write the first Bond plot? Because this is just what it sounds like, a bad Bond film.'

Doggett: 'Maybe the Govenments weren't involved directly in this. I mean there are 'Black Projects' going on that the President doesn't even know about. This could have been one of them.'

Doggett and Catherine look at each other. Both are thinking the same thought.

Doggett: 'You thinking what I'm thinking?'

Catherine runs her hand across her face.

Catherine: 'I wish I wasn't. What was the result of these experiments and, more to the point, are they still going on? I have to admit I wish Nana had never left me this file.'

Catherine checks her watch.

Catherine: 'Good God, it's 2 o'clock. I'm so sorry, I never meant to stay here all night.'

Catherine starts to pack the papers away. Doggett is still sitting down thinking.

Doggett: 'I've got an idea.'

Catherine looks up.

Doggett: 'There's this guy at the bureau, Mulder. He might be able to help us find out what happened. He's got a reputation for uncovering conspiracies. I'll see him tomorrow.'

Catherine prepares to leave.

Catherine: 'Thank you for seeing me tonight. I'm sorry for throwing your life into complete chaos but...' She shrugs '... that's Nana for you.'

Doggett: 'Hey no problem. I'm glad you gave this to me. It's thrown some light on my grandfathers' life and answered a few questions too. Look, leave me your number and I'll call you when I've seen Mulder tomorrow.'

Catherine grabs a pen and writes her number down.

Catherine: 'Ok, I'm going to the Public Records Office tomorrow.' Smiles 'I want to find out what happened to the others in this story. Diana, Spender, Miller, Alain Crowely - see if anyone's still alive.'

Doggett opens the door.

Catherine: 'Thank you again for putting up with all of this. I'll see you tomorrow.'

Doggett nods and watches her walk down the road.


The scene changes to the basement of the Hoover Building. The lift doors open and Doggett walks out towards Mulder and Scully's office.

Scene: FBI Headquarters 6th May 2002, 09.30am

Doggett knocks on the office door frame. Scully looks up.

Scully: 'Can I help you?'

Doggett: 'Yeah. I'm looking for Agent Mulder.'

Scully: 'He's gone for coffee. Can I help you Agent...?'

Doggett: 'John Doggett.'

Scully: 'I'm Agent Scully, Mulder's partner. What can I do for you?'

Doggett: 'I don't know if you can help me. This is a shot in the dark coming to you but these files came into my possession last night. We spent last night going through them and I don't know what to make of them. Well, I heard that this is Mulder's kind of thing, so I'm wondering if you can tell me anything.'

Mulder appears at the door.

Mulder: 'What's my kind of thing?'

Scully: 'Agent Doggett has something that might interest you.'

Mulder: 'So what gives Agent Doggett?'

Doggett: 'These!'

Doggett hands over the papers.

Doggett: 'An English woman gave these to me last night. It seems her grandmother and my grandfather uncovered some kind of collaboration between the Russian government and us during
the war. They thought that it was a biological weapon but the further they went into it, the more they found that whoever was developing the virus was using European refugees as guinea pigs in experiments to develop an antidote to whatever it was they had created. It sounds
stupid I know but... I don't know what to think.'

Mulder: 'Don't worry. We don't know what to think half the time.'

Scully: 'Mulder these files are begining to sound familier... yes... oh my God! It's the Black Oil! This turns everything we've discovered so far on it's head. According to these it was being developed long before Roswell and before the Syndicate got hold of it.'

Mulder: 'What?! Let me see those.'

Scully hands the files over.

Doggett: 'You know about this stuff? What's going on?'

Mulder: 'Do you know how far your grandfather got with investigating this? What conclusions did he come to?'

Doggett: 'I had no idea about any of this stuff until last night when this woman turned up on my doorstep telling me that her grandmother had left all this stuff to her and asked her to pass it on to my family. From what I can gather they thought it was going to be used as a biological weapon during the cold war. As conspiracy theories and strange goings on are your thing I thought you might of heard something about it, that's all.'

Mulder: 'It's more than a theory, it's a fact! They've been on the planet longer than we suspected. Longer than Roswell.'

Doggett: 'Who's been on the planet? What are you talking about?'

Mulder: 'Them! The colonists, the aliens.'

Doggett: 'Aliens!! You are nuts Mulder.'

Scully: 'It's all here Mulder. The refugees that were sent here from Europe were split up and sent to places we know abductions have taken place; Arizona, Bellefleur, Skyland Mountain - it fits. It seems that they knew just where to find their victims. It's like they were bred to be alien lab rats.'

Doggett: 'Let me get this straight. My grandfather accidently stumbled on alien invasion plans?'

Mulder: 'That's right, only it's been going on longer than we'd originally thought. We knew the Black Oil had something to do with the comet in Russia - you've heard that bit, right?'

Doggett: 'I'm not the historian in the family, Catherine is.'

Scully: 'Who's Catherine? The woman that gave you these?'

Doggett nods.

Doggett: 'It seems her grandmother thought that there were spies at the British Embassy during the war. She contacted my grandfather here at the bureau. The further they dug the more they suspected a collusion between the Russian and US in biological warfare. Aliens didn't figure in the plans.'

Mulder: 'That was just a cover. The aliens have agents in every country now and then probably. It was more likely the start of the syndicate.'

Doggett: 'Syndicate! What syndicate?'

Mulder: 'The alien's contacts here on Earth. They sold their souls for a piece of the action in the new order. They double-crossed the aliens by working to develop a vaccine against the virus, the Black Oil, and the aliens got their revenge by wiping them out. Now they know we know they're here they're also trying to wipe out all knowlege of their existance.'

Doggett: 'So what your saying is that some alien virus came to Earth on some comet closely followed by the aliens themselves who struck a deal with various governments and agencies who let them start experimenting on humans for what purpose I don't know and I don't want to. For what? So they can conquer the
planet and set up home? I don't buy that Agent Mulder! It's too far fetched even for you.'

Mulder: 'If you wanted logical answers, Agent Doggett, you wouldn't have come to me, would you!'

Doggett: 'True, it had a "Black Project" ring to it but nothing like this. I still can't believe it. Aliens! It's not possible. Next thing you'll be telling me is that Elvis is involved.'

Mulder: 'Did you see him leave the building?'

Scully: 'I know this is hard to believe Agent Doggett but it's true. This X File has cost us both so much in the past, it's not something we take lightly. All we ask of you is to keep an open mind about what we've said even if you can't believe us. The information you have here is valuable to us. It may help us
to fight back. If this information has been kept secret for sixty years the conspiritors may not know of it's existance.'

Doggett: 'All I want to know is, is it over or will it come back to haunt me?'

Mulder: 'It will never be over Agent Doggett and it will haunt your every waking moment.'

*Doggett's Mobile Rings*

Doggett: 'John Doggett.'

Catherine: 'John, it's Catherine.'

Doggett: 'What's the problem?'

Catherine: 'Your grandfather's boss, Spender, was the first of three generations of that family to work for the FBI.'

Doggett: 'So?'

Catherine: 'It seems that they had clouds over their heads when they left or died. How's your search going?'

Doggett: 'You really don't want to know! So what happened to the Spender family...?'

Mulder and Scully look up at Doggett at the mention of Spender's name. Mulder gestures at Doggett that he wants to speak.

Doggett: '... hold on a minute... to Mulder 'What?'

Mulder: 'Is that her?'

Doggett nods

Mulder: 'What does she know about the Spenders? Cassandra Spender was experimented on by the Syndicate. We need to talk to her as soon as possible.'

Doggett: 'Catherine, you still there?'

Catherine: 'Yes, what's up?'

Doggett: 'Agent Mulder wants to speak to you. Can you come here to the Bureau and bring everything you can about the Spender family?'

Catherine: 'Ok give me half an hour. Where shall I meet you?'

Doggett: 'Main entrance. I'll get you into the building no sweat.'

Catherine: 'Ok, bye.'

Doggett: 'She'll be here in half an hour...'


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