A Conversation for Entertainment for Insomniacs

ron junior

Post 1

several, a/k/a random

'twas indeed an impressive speech by young reagan, and notable in that such a staunch repub would be addressing a demo convention, but there are some things that should supercede politics.
al gore's non-use of clinton in the '00 election is understandible, in that the ex-prexy was still in scandal, but he does have remarkable campaign skills and, obviously, is a smooth talker.
the conventions themselves are somewhat of an anachronism, since the candidate selection process has long been already decided, but an important time for the state delegations to meet, 'network' as it were. jokes outside the convention hall abound, about the demos being bad tippers, and the 'bar girls' not doing business like they will at the repub convention.
smiley - musicalnote

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