A Conversation for The Captain's Log Cabin

Hi Phil

Post 1


Where have all your posts gone then?

Isn't it weird?

Talking to you in three dimensions now.

Back to the CB and smiley - redwine

smiley - smooch

smiley - zoom

Hi Phil

Post 2

Lord Evan Elpussall

Hello FBN,
They seem to have gone again. I'm having log in problems since accidentally clicking on the 'I'm not Lord Evan Elpuss button' last night. smiley - wah

Hi Phil

Post 3



Will we ever get it all sorted?

I see that I as ked my question in February? Slow movers- you and I aren't we?

Xsmiley - zoom

Hi Phil

Post 4

Lord Evan Elpussall

We are indeed! It's nearly Christmas now!! smiley - laugh
smiley - cheers

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