A Conversation for The Captain's Log Cabin

The Re "Opening"

Post 1

Researcher U634370

Hi and smiley - cheers

This is my second attempt to post a message! Strange how the first one disappeared into oblivion.

I'm sure you would get on well with my Dad he's a computer smiley - wizard and there's not much he doesn't know about planes. My Grandfather and Great Uncle were both Squadron Leaders in the RAF during the war and before. He has many original documents including log books, photos of Cosford being bombed during the war and much more. My Grandfather also had a major crash,which he survived, although breaking nearly every bone in his body the rear gunner only broke his thumb!

My Dad followed in his father's aeronautical footsteps by attaining a first class honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He met Alan of the main designers of the Stealth when they both started work together after finishing university, at British Aerospace BAC as it was known in those days.

Alan then went to work for Lucas and emigrated to the States, where he still lives with his family, he was awarded an American Medal and still does consultancy work. He was recently in a programme about the Stealth, screened I believe on Channel 4 (Jan/Feb) unfortunately I missed it. I'll have to check whether or not my Dad taped it.

My brother had a pilot's licence until recently couldn't afford to keep it up what with family and business commitments, plus his sight isn't that brilliant. Still he has flown a plane into the South African dessert with a couple of friends on board and been stranded for a few days whilst waiting for fuel!

Speak soon, real life beckons........

BD smiley - fishsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

The Re "Opening"

Post 2

Researcher U634370


You havn't got me here under false pretences have you? smiley - winkeye. I thought we were going to have some smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly to celebrate the reopening?

BD smiley - fish

The Re "Opening"

Post 3


Of course not!! I did reply to your last message, honestly!! Seems to have disappeared into cyberspace or are there touchy mods on here too?!
Well lets see how long this one stays here!

In my previous message I remember telling how my father was in the RAF as a photographer. This was before I was born.

I wouldn't deliberately ignore you.

Here's three smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly as requested.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

The Re "Opening"

Post 4

Researcher U634370

Hi Lord

smiley - cheers the smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly is going down well.

Wondered what happened, strange how the messages went missing, sounds interesting your Dad taking photographs for the RAF. I didn't know there were mods here as such but I suppose there must be, but I know they follow threads, how they do it is all behond me and I'm not sure I want to know! Knowing the Beeb they are probably worried about official secrets! Guess it's different worries these days. I say that because the Cold War of the 1960/70's affected me a lot as a child with my Dad's job and everything.

If you want to you can follow Rich smiley - sheep my email address is at the bottom of a page hope that's not too cryptic but I guess I must be a born romantic as well!

Speak soon. Definately the best smiley - bubbly is served here!

BD smiley - fish

The Re "Opening"

Post 5


Ermmmm, I'm not very good at all with cryptic clues. When I have a go at crosswords I have to follow the straight clues! You'll need to tell me where I can find your addy in plain English I'm afraid!
No I don't know either if they moderate this the same way as the R2 boards. I assume there must be some system.
Glad you liked the smiley - bubbly Want some more? smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

The Re "Opening"

Post 6

Researcher U634370

Sorry, I'm not very cryptic either! Although I think I'm becoming more so...as the days pass. Thought it might be fun....oh what the heck it's anything at gladeside.fsnet.co.uk

The smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblyis going down very well.

smiley - cheers BD smiley - fish

The Re "Opening"

Post 7


Perhaps I'm more cryptic than I give myself credit for. Found it at a romantic book site. Was that where you were leading me to? Perhaps I should have been a detective. Will mail you soon.
Lord Evan Elpuss-all

The Re "Opening"

Post 8

Researcher U634370

DOH!!! Hope I don't get all and sundry at my door! smiley - winkeye I should have given you more time, I knew you could do it!

Right that's it more smiley - bubbly please..........next thing I know my picture will be all over the tabloids!!

BD smiley - fishsmiley - kiss

The Re "Opening"

Post 9


Well, I've seen your piccy twice in the 'Daily Mirror' already!!

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss-all

The Re "Opening"

Post 10


smiley - cheers....BURP.. oops..pardon me.

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