Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being
Created | Updated Jul 29, 2004

'I don't need no Jesus freak to tell me what it's all about
No black magician telling me to cut my soul out'
- Black Sabbath
I originally posted this on,
as a result of cross reading Disinformation's Book of Lies and the Conversations with God books. It is a fairly good example of just how weird I can get, though there are others in this world who are far, far weirder...
If you don't agree with something that I say here, that's OK. I don't want to infringe on your beliefs.
The 'Fallen Angels'
While demons exist, who originated by losing the War in Heaven, they are not truly fallen. I figure that their main purpose is to provide organity with an alternative to organized religion. For the most part, religion (with a few exceptions, most noticeably Buddhism) basically says 'Do exactly what we say or go to Hell! No, you may not ask questions! Just do it!' The demons allow something else - the enjoyment of pleasures of the flesh, and rather interesting rituals and celebrations. God Herself endorses this - in Conversations With God, He encourages us to have as much sex as we like, and to 'mix
what [we] call the profane and the sacred'. God on the side of Hell, you may ask? Hell only exists for those who believe that it does, but anyway, this leads me neatly onto my next point, which is . . .
Lucifer is an organic invention, made manifest by the belief in ultimate evil shared by many superstitious civilizations throughout the Universe. This is why he is constantly trying the merely be. Choronzon, in fact, took on the role of Prince of Darkness voluntarily, as a volunteer which God called for. Aleister Crowley and, later, Grant Morrison said that, beyond Choronzon and the Abyss, concepts of individuality and self cannot survive. God is similar about this - the highest level any one can possibly ascend to is unity with God, but
this entails letting go of your self. This may not sound very appetizing, but surely it is a small price to pay in exchange for becoming God? Of course, one may always leave God and return to the Universe, to live another life and carry that experience back into Heaven. Choronzon tries to prevent this, but presumably any one who gets past him is truly worthy. Thus, it follows that Choronzon is not God's enemy; he is God's bodyguard.
The Apocalypse
Neither Choronzon nor Ahriman want us to enter the New Jupiter. However, we cannot do so without them. Thee Apocalypse is not the end of the Universe, or even the planet; it is a period of transition into the new Aeon. This is what the Book of Revelations is
talking about when it says that the Dragon will rule for a short time. The Dragon is, of course, Choronzon and his rule and opposition to Ahriman will ensure that organity is sufficiently hardened to survive the brave new world which Crowley has foreseen. However, remember always that this will be a test - do your utmost to prevent the demons from controlling you. When this is done, the world will seem better than it has in millennia - which it will be.
The way I see it, there are two set of religions - the monotheistic and the karmic. In classification, karmic takes priority over monotheistic, thus Sikhism is a karmic religion. However, all religions are, in fact, the same thing, merely said differently. All polytheistic
religions have a chief god - this is God, and the others are in fact archangels and archdevils. All religions also feature karma - the monotheistic ones do not like to admit it, but their basic message is 'Do good things, and something good will happen to you'. This is
admittance to Heaven, a very good karmic thing. As for Wicca, the Goddess and the God are in fact different faces of God; similarly, the three sides of God as Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer are represented by the Hindu triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. God is both gay
and straight, black, white, gray, and green, male and female, big and small, here and there, rock, pop, and classical, but not Michael Jackson.
Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.
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