A Conversation for Post Room 101


Post 1

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

The cyclist part also includes 'scally' cyclists who roam around on BMX's (not nessicary bought by them!!) either side of / in the middle of the road with no consideration to any other road user, suddently changing direction and vering infront of oncoming traffic under the misguided opinion that a bus travlling at 30 mph and carrying 100 people will not hurt them.


Post 2

LL Waz

You can't put cyclists in, they're green! And my sister would give me one of her looks if I didn't disagree with cyclists. So I'm disgreeing with cylists.


Post 3

Post Team

Absolutely not!!!

Although currently bikeless I love my bike and most certainly couldn't survive long here without one!

Perhaps you need to take a break and experience biking how it should be? On specially designed bike tracks and in a country where bikes take precedence over cars etc! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 4

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

I'm not objecting to cycling, I'm just objecting to cyclists that flout rules and give us a bad name

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