The X-Philes - Allies

0 Conversations

Part Three

Scene: FBI Headquarters 16th May, 1943

Mr Spender receives a phone call

CSM: '... so what's the problem Alain?... did the agent give his name? hmm... I think I know who he is... well if he's arrested her he doesn't suspect you... well destroy it, are you sure she can't speak Russian?... then we don't have a problem... yes we'll carry on with the project... yes the 'volunteers' will arrive in a few days... just get someone else to type it. Are you sure she never made a copy?... ok... I need that transcript as soon as possible... if they give us any trouble we'll have a couple more 'volunteers' for the project... goodbye Alain'

He puts down the phone and lights a cigarette, the phone rings again, he answers and starts to reply in Russian.


The scene changes to Miles, Rose and Miller hurrying down a corridor.

Miles: 'Miller, get Rose to the office. Don't let her out of your sight and don't let anyone in. Got it?'

Miller nods.

Miller: 'What are you going to do now?'

Miles: 'I'm going to the top on this. I don't know how far this has gone. Apart from you there's only one person I can trust with this.'

Miller points up

Miller: 'You mean...?'

Miles nods.

Miller: 'Boy you are in trouble aren't you?'

Miles walks away to the stairs and walks up several flights. He walks down a corridor and knocks on a door. The door says 'Director' on it.

Voice: 'Come in.'

The door opens, Miles step into room.

Miles: 'I'm sorry to disturb you Mr Hoover sir. Can I have a moment of your time.'

Hoover: ' 'Of course, Agent. What can I do for you?'

Miles: 'I'm investigating a case at the British embassy. It seems that someone's spying for the Russians. I need to keep my contact safe and the only way I can do that is to make sure no-one else becomes involved. I need to be the only person on this case.'

Hoover: 'Why do you need my help? Why don't you go to your superior?'

Miles: 'I think the commies have infiltrated the agency sir. They definitely have someone working for them in here.'

Hoover is horrified, he rises from his chair.

Hoover: 'Have you got definite proof of who it is?'

Miles: 'Not definite proof. I have a strong suspicion, that's why I need to be the only one on this case. I'm the only one who can unmask him.'

Hoover: 'Ok, I'm putting you in sole charge of the case. Do whatever you have to, to get this commie SOB.'

Miles: 'Yes sir, thank you sir.'


Miles returns to Miller and Rose in the office.

Miles: 'Right the good news is the director has put me in sole charge of the case so the spy can't replace me with one of his own.'

Rose: 'And the bad news?'

Miles: 'I have no idea where to go from here. Did you get that transcript?'

Rose nods and retrieves the papers from their hiding place.

Miller: 'I like the briefcase.'

Rose: 'So far they're talking about something that's going on in New Mexico - some kind of experiment that's taking place next week. That's all I could translate but I did bring the dictionary me so I can translate the rest.'

Rose produces the dictionary from her pocket.

Rose: 'I thought I could finish it here.'

Miles: 'Are there any more suspicious transcripts?'

Rose: 'I don't know. I don't actually work for Alain but I do know he's been working late and been coming in early according to Diana whose cousin is the night security guard. If you suspect him try the locked draw in his filing cabinet.'

Miles: 'Why didn't you tell me earlier about this?'

Rose: 'I didn't know you suspected Alain. Anyway, Diana told me about it. Mind you, she thinks he keeps womens underwear in it.'

Rose shrugs.

Rose: 'Diana doesn't like him very much.'

Miles: 'Miller, I want you to go to the embassy and search Alain's office. Bring back any suspicious papers and the contents of his locked draw.'

Rose: 'Look out for Diana's right hook! I've seen her knock out a Marine before now.'

Miller: 'Sounds like my kind of woman.'

Miller leaves the office. Rose picks up the transcripts and the dictionary and settles down to work. There is a knock at the door.

Miles: 'Who is it?'

CSM: 'Spender.'

Miles grabs Rose and pulls her up.

Miles: 'Just a minute sir (whispers to Rose) under the desk.'

Rose: (whisper) 'What, why?'

Miles: 'Just do it.'

Rose crawls under the desk. Miles opens the door.

Miles: 'What can I do for you sir?'

CSM: 'You can tell me why you were at the British embassy today.'

Miles: 'Well, sir, I was asked to deal with a suspected case of spying.'

CSM: 'Why didn't you inform me?'

Miles: 'I was asked to keep it as low key as possible sir.'

CSM: 'I will have to inform the Director of this breach of protocal.'

Miles: 'Mr Hoover knows already. I informed him earlier and he asked me to carry on. They won't deal with anyone else.'

The CSM drags on his cigarette to keep his face expressionless.

CSM: 'Good, carry on. Good work Agent, good work.'

The CSM opens the door and leaves. Rose crawls out from under the desk.

Rose: 'He's your spy isn't he?'

Miles nods.

Miles: 'And my boss.'

Rose sits down and puts her head in her hands.

Rose: 'Oh my God what have I done? I had no idea things had gone this far.'

Miles: 'If you hadn't, we'd never have known we had spys in the bureau. I don't want to be rude but we need that transcript translated.'

Rose: 'Of course. (sighs) I wish I'd never started this.'

Rose opens the dictionary and starts to write on the paper.

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