A Conversation for The Dragon Bar and Resturant

Staff Application.

Post 1

Dragon Lord back with avengence

In order to be a part of The Dragon Bar and Resturant you need to answer the following questions.

1. What Position do you want?
2. Have you had any previous experiance?
3. Your name and U number?

Thank you.

Staff Application.

Post 2

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

smiley - laugh erm this could seriously go downhill!smiley - biggrin want to rephrase the questions dear?smiley - biggrin

Staff Application.

Post 3

Dragon Lord back with avengence

smiley - erm Hmmm... lol..


1. What job would you like?
2. Have you have any previous experiance?
3. Your name and U number?

Thank you.

Staff Application.

Post 4

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

1) Which job would you like to apply for?
2) Have you any relevant experience to the position for which you are applying for?
3) Name (other personal details will be requested by our Personnel Department)smiley - biggrin

Staff Application.

Post 5

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

Of course we'd have to give full training to those without relevant experience but whish to join our prestigious establishmentsmiley - biggrin We only want the best!smiley - winkeye

Staff Application.

Post 6

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Okay what Mrs H 2B said lol...smiley - applause

Staff Application.

Post 7

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

Thank you!smiley - kiss

Staff Application.

Post 8

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

Dear Sir & Madam,

I wish to apply for the post of Part-time Sweeper-up and Glass-washer.

I have my own brush and have had many years experience leaning on it.

I also have a fairly clean dish cloth.

Yours in Hope,

Ancha Theri (Jedi Knight)

PS I promise not to take out my lightsaber too often.

Staff Application.

Post 9

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Thank you Ancha.


Ok you have the job, please report to the bar for your duties,
Thank you

Staff Application.

Post 10

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

I'm already there. Hopefully quaffing a large smiley - ale

Staff Application.

Post 11

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

Welcome Ancha

I think we can say that you have the post subject to providing you with the necessary equipment needed for your new job. You will be required to attend a training session on back care though as leaning on your brush can lead to all sorts of spinal conditionssmiley - biggrin. Please feel free to explore and have a free drink in the bar, after that it's smiley - 2cents a drink which can be docked from your wages if you so prefer. As for your lightsaber, would you also consider the position of Security as well as it could come in handy if we have any unsavoury characters entering the premises? Of course you would be paid accordingly and would be entitled to a certain amount of free alcohol per week as well, cos I'm just so nice to my staffsmiley - biggrin

Staff Application.

Post 12

Ancha Theri (Jedi Master)

The Security post sounds good. Put me down for that too please.

Staff Application.

Post 13

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Ok Ancha will do.

Staff Application.

Post 14

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*walks in wearing a black suit, sunglasses and an earpiece*

Position - Security
Relevent Experiance - 6'0" Tall , 18 stone , Built like the back end of a bus, Doorman at the gates of Hell for more years than I can remember
Name - Rob U687788

*smiles at the interviewers*

smiley - evilgrin

Staff Application.

Post 15

Dragon Lord back with avengence

Rob Hi there. Well Ancha is head of security here but we do need more doormen. Your Hired. You get an allowence of 12 free drinks a week and the hourly wage is 1smiley - panda.

Thank you.

Staff Application.

Post 16

Sponge Rob Squarepants

sounds good to me, I'll take it...

When do I start.
And what are the specifics..

Do you have a guest list...?
Is there a VIP list...?
Is there a dress code...?
If so are jeans allowed...?
Is this a shirt and tie only venue or is casual dress allowed..?
Is there any particular people that are barred...?
Do I have the authority to bar trouble makers..?
Do I have the authority to refuse admitance..?
What experiance does Ancha have in securtiy..?
Do I report directly to her or to you..?
Am I authorised to carry weapons...?
Am I authorised to use those weapons if necarssary..?
Is reasonable force ok to help keep the peace...?
Is unreasonable force ok to help keep the peace....?

Staff Application.

Post 17

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

Hi Rob

Welcome aboard, in answer to your questions....

You start the next time you're on line

The specifics are that you do what is needed when needed (clear as mudsmiley - laugh)

Anyone is allowed in wearing whatever attire they they wish (so no dress code) unless management decides to reassess the situation.

So far no-one has the misfortune of being barred, but should it be necessary then you will have the power to remove the offenders from the premises and refuse re-entry.

Ancha has no experience of security (that we know of) other than knowing how to handle a lightsaber, this impressed me enough to offer the role of security.

You will be expected to report to Ancha first and then to either Scott or myself if the problem remains unresolved.

That would depend entirely upon your choice of weapon, let either Scott or myself know which is your preferred choice and we will let you know if it is suitable or not.

We expect that our customers will focus on having a bloody good time with us (but not in a violent manner) so our expectations on the use of weapons and reasonable force or unreasonable force is low.

However, should the need arise then reasonable force is acceptable if the offender refuses to leave the premises in an orderly manner. Unreasonable force can be used only if the offender injures or kills another customer, or behaves in a manner which suggests that injury and death are likely to occur. In that case it is entirely at your discretion.

Hope that answers your questions, feel free to ask at any time for clarification on anything you are unsure of. We hope you enjoy your employment with us.smiley - biggrin Oh, one other thing, we will not tolerate unwaranted threatening or intimidating behaviour from any our staff, we aim to provide a pleasant experience for our clientele. Thank you.

Staff Application.

Post 18

Sponge Rob Squarepants

Well ok..

I am not used to working in such lienient conditions but I can adapt.

As for choice of weapons I have many, for all types of situations..

*starts emptying his pockets and holsters dropping a multitude of items onto the table*

This is a blackjack for you need me to sundue troublemakers without hurting them too much.
My kosh similar to the blackjack but does a little more damage.
Hmmm lets see knives, switchblade, butterfly, bowie, boot.
Two colt .45's, one .22 and a 9mm just in case.
My two lightsabers, katana, wakasashi and the no-datchi.
And my pride a joy the pepper spray.. smiley - biggrin

That is all I carry on a standard night but if any specialist weaponry is called for I can obtain it with the proper notice.. smiley - biggrin

*packs all the stuff away*

So if that is all in order and you have nothing else you wish to tell me I will take up my position..

*strides out, knuckles dragging on the floor*

Staff Application.

Post 19

Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise)

*makes mental note not to get on wrong side of Rob*

Well I think I'm gonna pass the buck to Scott on this one smiley - biggrin The advantages of being in joint management! smiley - rofl

Scott assured me that you were an ok guy, so I'll give you the benefit of doubt.

oooer what long arms you have Rob, do you have big teeth and big ears as well? smiley - rofl

*puts up red hood on cape and picks up picnic basket, and backs away slowly*

Staff Application.

Post 20

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

1. I would like to be the Eternal Bartend untill I die and are reincarnated.
@ maybe
3. Let you know later

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