A Conversation for Vegetarian Food For Meat-Eaters

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 101


If you're going to eat meat (and I am) HFW's approach is the only one that is defensible - proper, good husbandry of the animal, prepared and cooked with care in smaller quantities than have become normal, less frequently. And with as much of the animal used as possible.

**warning - standard rant coming up**
As a society, we've delegated the work of deciding what is worthwhile eating to the supermarkets and fast food outlets and they've (understandably, given they're in it for profit) sold us what's profitable to them. The willful ignorance of consumers allied to the profit-led raising of animals has led to the state we're in now.
**rant over**

Reclaim the meats!
smiley - biggrin

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 102

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I don't mind carnavores, as long as you accept what you're doing by eating meat. And if you make an attempt to stick to the foodchain as nature intened -by beinglees wasteful- then so much the better. I've vegiatrian because I -can't- accept what I was doing as a carnavore. What can I say, that's what you get for being sweet-natured.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 103

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

Pink Ferret, you being unhealthy has absolutely /nothing/ at all to do with your being vegetarian.
Vegetarians are on average /healthier/ than meat eaters. We live on average seven years longer.
Humans are not 50/50 omnivores but opportunists, eating meat when we come across an easy source of it.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 104

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I've only been vegitarian for about 7 months, I haven't adapted to it yet, and have lost huge amounts of weight. I'm too stupid to eat enough food, anyway.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 105

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You will lose weight but it's because a vegetarian diet, if properly done, is good for you smiley - smiley

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 106

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I know that, except I've always been underweight anyway, and now I'm getting dangerously thin -all of my bones are clearly visible. I'm a shade under 6' tall and I weigh 54 kg.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 107

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You're obviously not eating right then smiley - erm

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 108

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I have a Vegetarian friend (are you out there Mr. Casual?) who is on the heavy side and has stayed that way on a strictly vege diet. At first it was due to the fact that he included dairy but now that he's Vegan he still maintains his weight. High carbs and oils seem to do it, he makes his own pirogis and likes them swimming in margarine, eats whole plates of gomaee with extra sesame seeds, has massive curries. smiley - laugh I suppose you can gain weight on most any diet given enough content and lack of exercise.

smiley - smiley

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 109

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

I can testify to that. smiley - wah

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 110

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Ah. I'm just a small build anyway, but as a vegitarian I forget I have to compensate for a diet with less fat.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 111

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

Cream on cereal in mornings smiley - drool
Potatoes/ravioli dripping in butter with black pepper smiley - drool
ice cream smiley - drool
chocolate smiley - drool
full cream milk smiley - drool
orange juice smiley - drool ....

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 112

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Mmmm.... Not to mention avacado pizza...

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 113

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)

yuch. Nononno. Rocket n olive n pineapple.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 114

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Hmmm.....Personally I'm addicted to toasted samwiches with creamed corn, cheese and relish. They're delisious and, hes the good part, I can cook them easily. I can make pizza too but I never have the stuff I need. I'm not much of a cook, anyway, my Mum hates having me cooking in HER kitchen. (She's a cook by trade, that explains it) so I tend to survive off the student diet-frozen this, instant that, easy to make stuff...

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 115

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Might be showing my ignorance here, but what IS creamed corn? smiley - doh

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 116

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

Um, it's a sorta Kiwi thing. Imagine mushy peas, but with corn.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 117

Werekitty (Bastet, Tobru Deran, Cymoril)


mushy peas are the spawn of a demonic entity of your choice.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 118

The Pink Ferret (slightly fruity)

I know. I never understood English.

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 119

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - yuk

And just for the record, I hate mushy peas...

10 things I hate about meat eaters

Post 120

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Creamed corn is not a Kiwi thing, it's a US thing. And a Canadian thing, although not originally. Real and original Canadian things are poutine, Beaver Tails (not meat, btw), and salmon jerky. So there.

And mushy peas are indeed Hellspawn unless they are made correctly, are mouth searingly hot, and are eaten in conjunction with chips and tomato sauce.

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