A Conversation for Skittles, the sweet

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 1


Until recently, Skittles in the UK were only one flavour - "original", I think. Meantime, in the US, there's loads of different flavours, all clamouring for your attention.

The good news is that the UK now has two flavours. "Original" and "Berry fruits", if I remember correctly.

Health tip: don't put too many in your mouth at one go.

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 2

Princess Bride

what happens when you do this? i like to put two or three certain colors in at a time and get a nice mixture of tastes...

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 3


I seem to end up putting too many, resulting in my chomping on a column of Skittles that then dig into the top of my mouth, making me go "Ow, ow". Like this:

"Ow, ow."

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 4

Princess Bride

oh i see. thank you for clearing that up. Especially the "ow, ow" part. very good.

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 5


Glad you liked it.

Incidentally, you can do the same thing with Corn Pops, a breakfast cereal that I think in the States is called Golden Nuggets.

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 6

Princess Bride

I actually think it is called corn pops here also. at least we have a cereal called corn pops... i know what you mean about the ow, ow part. smiley - smiley

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 7


I since discovered that Golden Nuggets exist in the UK (the Nestle name) and Corn Pops is the Kelloggs name. So they probably both exist in the States.

I've also discovered that you can buy certain Hershey bars in the UK. Which, if they tasted any good, would be a good thing! :^)

Skittles in the US v UK

Post 8

Princess Bride

Well I am just glad I live in the US because we have all the junk food before other people. And yes, that is a huge generalization, but I like generalizations. So there.

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