A Conversation for My new home in H2G2

the living room

Post 41


smiley - blush *pors him some tea, smurks then leans her head on his shoulder while suppressing a smiley - yawn *
ooh sorry bout that, smiley - smooch
camimile alwas maks me tired

the living room

Post 42


you can lay down on me.

the living room

Post 43


*pulls her legs on to the soffer so that shes leaning agenst him, looks up with a contented smiley - smiley *

the living room

Post 44


*kisses her head*

the living room

Post 45


smiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blush
*moves her head to one side to lean more comftebly*

would you like anything; a drink of anything else smiley - smiley , or anything else?

the living room

Post 46


what u mean by "anything else"?

the living room

Post 47


food or anything *looks shocked at the acusation*

the living room

Post 48


not thinking that, but i could really do with a massage.

the living room

Post 49


*roles round so shes behind him, gives him a masage*
did you want a drink or some food?

the living room

Post 50


no im o.k. thanks

the living room

Post 51


i think i should go back to the real world, do you know if your phone is free for me to call you
ok smiley - smooch just thought you might be hungrey

the living room

Post 52


you can call me

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