A Conversation for My new home in H2G2

the living room

Post 1


do you like my attempt at decorating?
*gesters chiz to sit on the sofer, with a *
would you cair for a drink *offers a tray with a choice of a glass of wine or frut juce, taking a wine for herself. leand back on the sofer*
how was work?

the living room

Post 2


some fruit juice please smiley - smiley, work was o.k., been thinking about you all day, went to meet leigh, paula, jay, and a few other people over at the arena, been thinking about you all day. xxx

the living room

Post 3


cool, how are they all + try to avoid names less they on line then use there handles, just a thought.
i've been thinking about you as well
*puts her head on his sholder smiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hug leans round to look him in the face*
i've missed you, and been thinking about you smiley - smiley

you know your the first person to viset my house, what do you think???????????????????????????

the living room

Post 4


it's nice, think i'll phone later if thats alright

the living room

Post 5


yer i've got to get offline now anyway talk in about half an hour smiley - kiss

the living room

Post 6


do you find the sofa comftabell coz you havent moved all day.
*sits next to him*

the living room

Post 7


yeah, with you anywhere is comfortable.smiley - smiley

the living room

Post 8


smiley - blush
are you hungry? i've got some mixt sploge cooking in the kitchen, i could get you a bowl if you'd like.

the living room

Post 9


thats o.k. think i'll just sit here if thats o.k.
*stares into her eye's*

the living room

Post 10


smiley - blush *stairs back still smiley - blush ing*
*without looking away* would you cair for a drink?

the living room

Post 11


do you have tea?

the living room

Post 12


decaff, yer there's a pot on the mantal peice
can just about manage it here on earth, just dont ask if your ever on an alian ship

the living room

Post 13


"chismaster69 is in pain"

the living room

Post 14


i'm just going to pop upstairs for a lie down, its been a long day. *reaches over and gives him a smiley - hug and a smiley - kiss *
i love you
you know how to get hold of me, pleas

the living room

Post 15


*walks back into room*
you ok
*sits down with a glass of wine in one hand and a mug contaning decaf tea in the other*
everything ok?

the living room

Post 16


sits on couch waiting for dusk.

the living room

Post 17


*looks round wandering whether chiz is awake, shakes him gentily*
are you awake?
*smiles at him*

the living room

Post 18


*sees what he's just said and that he's left, and follows him out into the real world*

the living room

Post 19


of course im awake, how are you?

the living room

Post 20


*runs back in and gives him a smiley - kisssmiley - hug *
sorry got a bit confused

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