A Conversation for Sweden

Reply to sweden

Post 1

Researcher 36834

Do you live in Norway or Finland? What is your problem with swedes?

Reply to sweden

Post 2


Niether acctually, I happen to be a Swede myself... :^)

Reply to sweden

Post 3


Oh, i forgot the problem bit...
I have no problem with Swedes whatsoever.
It's a friendly country but it is a bit boring if you live in a small town...

Reply to sweden

Post 4


I think there would be less of a problem with alcohol if they got rid of the Systembolaget. It might take a generation or two though!

Reply to sweden

Post 5

The Duke of Dunstable

It would probably generate other severe problems, though. At least in the short run. I mean, swedes have pretty much made a name for themselves in re the intake of alcohol...

Reply to sweden

Post 6


It took a few trips to Copenhagen before I realised all the drunks in doorways were Swedes, not Danes! smiley - smiley

Reply to sweden

Post 7

The Duke of Dunstable

Exactly. I've been one of them, from time to time. At least in my younger days. And the funny thing is; it's not all that cheaper in Denmark. It's this weird sense that tells a swede that: "OK, you're not at home any more and the drinks are in every shop you enter. Get plastered."

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