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Sweden is a rather large country in the northern hemi-sphere. It is populated by a smal amount of barabrians who consume tremendous amounts of beer and cider and then go about freaking out in some disco, beat the hell out of each other or just lie paralyzed in the bushes in a state which they later describe as "Nirvana". The country has a completely messed up weather, which is rather exciting, you never know what you'll get in the afternoon. It is also rather cold and dark but there is loads of space for everyone and that is very enjoyable. A commercial here stated that "Sweden is a GREAT country", something which is true if you, like I, don't like sharing bushes with other people when you are intoxicated. Getting into that state of mind is, how ever, rather hard in Sweden because you can't buy any stronger liquids in the supermarket, you have to go to "Systembolaget", which is only open for people over 20, only on work-days and shows more resemblance to a dentist waiting room than to a pub. This and the hight costs of booze has increased the amount of smuggling of the desired merchandise from Denmark to Sweden in a ridiculous way but that is really a story to be told by anyone who cares to write about Denmark.

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