A Conversation for David Eddings: The Belgariad


Post 1


That looks weird...how can I get the chapters stay as they are when I write...anyway, more to come...this just takes so much time... smiley - smiley


Post 2


You want chapters? This creates an empty line between chapters and this works just like enter... You are making homepages after all - next step is to create one outside h2g2!! smiley - winkeye Am I a terrorist?? smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

I´ve been helped :-)

Post 3


Thank you, even though I´m not sure if I should believe little aliens... smiley - smiley
But we´ll see if I ever have time to do anything with the information you gave me, there is a thought, I admit, but computers...?


Post 4


I see this thing smiley - smiley doesn´t work in the subject...stupid.


Post 5


I´m also learning smiley - smiley

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