A Conversation for Crisp packet packaging procedures.


Post 1

Baach U Man!

HO hum, has anyone even read this entry. I doubt it because if they had they would have seen how great it was and repleyed to it or made some sort of comment about it. Surely I'm not the only person affected by these packaging procedures.

Oh well, I can but hope.


Post 2

C Hawke

At last another voice of sanity, Cheese and Onion horror, Walkers should be made to pay for their crime (OK it may not be illegal (or it actualy might be, there are some pretty wacky EC laws out there))

I thought (and so did my friends) I was going mad gettinng so stressed by this.

BTW did you see a recent First Direct ad featuring the walking CG chap spouting about all likfes irrations? He list the crisp packet colour coding issue.



Post 3

Baach U Man!

At last, another sane person!!!

I knew I couldn't have been the only person in the world driven mad by this fiasco.Yeah I did see that ad,it had the voice Harry Hill in it. This is the first step towards Walkers reversing the harm they've done and changing the packets back.

Power to the people!!!

(now, if only I could get someone from Walkers to read this.)


Post 4

C Hawke

..and the cowards don't seem to have a "contact us at wlakers" thing on their web page here: http://www.walkers.co.uk

..if the web can be used to get people to boycot petrol stations it should be able to get sensible crisp packet colours.



Post 5

C Hawke

I've added something to Ask H2G2. Let's see what happens.

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Post 6

Bald Bloke

Well you can add me to your list of people who disagree with Walkers changing crisp packet colours

And it would appear you can add Slacker See his home page http://www.h2g2.com/U1

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Post 7

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

add me to the list too!

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Post 8

Dinsdale Piranha

I thought Smokey Bacon was the original brown packet. Beef is my least favourite flavour, and it seems I'm not alone. Whenever I see one of those huge variety packs that's been opened, there always seem to be loads of Beef flavour in there, and nothing else.

Perhaps if we emailed Gary Lineker at the Beeb and Michael Owen at LFC, they could bring some pressure to bear on Wa*kers. (Sorry, don't know how that asterisk slipped into the name of a well-known snack foods company smiley - winkeye)

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Post 9

Baach U Man!

By eck! I never ever thought I would get so much support in this quest to bring Walkers bang to rights. It only took about six months for anyone to read my article, but hey that's more than I ever expected.

I wonder if there's a help line number on any of their packets, I'm sure if we constantly phoned them they would eventually do something, or they might just get really pissed off. Either way we win.

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Post 10

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

The trouble is, one of us would have to actually BUY Walker's crips to find out the number!!!!
Who is going to be brave enough to try that?

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Post 11

C Hawke

...and make the phone calls. An email blitz is needed. There must be an address somewher.


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Post 12

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

whoever wrote their website can't even spell "research", unlike all us bona fide researchers smiley - smiley

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