A Conversation for Quantum Theory


Post 1


Hello Sabre!

I did like your article on Quantum Physics very much. You should consider to propose it for the edited guide. But only after correcting the explanation of the photoeffect which I would describe as follows:

If light were a wave it would have (as any other wave too) an amplitude an a frequency. The amplitude would make up the Intensity of the light and the frequency would determine the color. Changing these two parameters would affect the photoelectons in the following way. If you increase the intensity (amplitude) the energy of the photoelectrons would increase as well. (Like a higer wave of water could spill a stone further away.) On the other hand increasing the frequency would mean that the process of releasing the elecrtons could repeat more often and thus the number of photoelectrons increased.
The observations of the photoeffect show exactly the contrary. If you increase the intensity of the light there are more photoelectrons and if you increase the frequency they are more energetic. Thus proving thas light is made up of particles which have a fixes energy each.

To resolve this paradoxon of light being a wave (as in the experiment with the slit) AND being a particle (as in the photoeffect) you must invent quantum physics which describes both properties in a single mathematical equation.



Post 2


Just one more addition: There is already an edited entry about the photoeffect:

Maybe you could just reference to it? smiley - smiley

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