A Conversation for Quantum Theory


Post 1

Lilac Moon

Now, isn't it just the other way around? Isn't the way the universe seems to be "built" (oh, well) the nightmare and the applicability of the quantum theory the dream? At least as far as, say, sensible people are concerned... I wonder.

(I also wonder, if it's completely pointless and silly to reply to an entry 2 years old, which no-one has replied to so far... well, I'll find out smiley - winkeye)
smiley - fullmoon


Post 2

neoBrad - no I'm not! I'm lying!

Yep. It's silly. But replying to a conversation one day old isn't. smiley - smiley I understand a bit of quantum because I just finished reading Timeline by Micheal Chrichton (adventure/sci-fi type book, lots of blood, head chopping etc.smiley - yikes) and it had diagrams. That's what this site needs. Diagrams. Lots of 'em!
smiley - smiley


Post 3

Lilac Moon

Diagrams are always helpful, aren't they? smiley - winkeye
Did you like the book? Never read anything by Crichton... I've read some fiction dealing with quantum theory, but I didn't like any of it too much.
Wilson's Schrodinger's Cat-trilogy has nice bits in bit, but well...

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